I mean, the ages thing grew on me. It was way too common in other civs to just snowball early and dominate the rest. Any modern civilization was just bad, because by the time they got online it was over.
I mean, the ages thing grew on me. It was way too common in other civs to just snowball early and dominate the rest. Any modern civilization was just bad, because by the time they got online it was over.
“well, Trump said he’d fix the economy and I don’t like woke.”
I mean, I feel like you’re being a bit derivative. I would put it more towards desperation than stupidity. Why does someone stay with an abusive partner? Biden was of the stance that “things are getting better” and… they’re not.
I always considered trump’s victory as sign that the democrats were just… that flaccid and unpalatable. It’s like you have a partner who sucks. They pay their share of rent, they expect you to do all the cooking and cleaning, they don’t even bother to understand you and get pissy that a random bouquet of whatever flowers on sale doesn’t magically fix an argument and make your loins quiver.
You fall instead to this gorgeous individual who knows how to flirt and makes you feel like the world can be easily fixed and now you’re locked in their basement about to lose an arm.
It’s desperation that makes people take risks, listen to people they shouldn’t listen to.
There’s two types of costume contests, cosplay contests that break things down by experience, and random Halloween contests that are basically reenactments of popularity contests in high school.
The former you’re gonna enter as a journeyman unless you built something so outrageous they gotta up the difficulty level. Make sure you have a TON of documentation and pics and explanations on how you did things. The judges are gonna wanna know how hard you worked on things and the amount of detail you put into it. If you spent 8 hours on the gold colored filigree on your bracers you damn well better mention it Typically unless you’re doing best performance, you get three poses and you’re off the stage. By the time you hit the stage the judges typically made their decisions so play to the crowd and do what looks good on film. If you are going for best performance, don’t feel pressured to use your full five minutes, or however long they give. Waaay to many people overstay their welcome, you wanna leave the people wanting more, not less. Hit your points, your high note, and if you’re still only halfway through your time, whatever. You’re not disqualified if you don’t use your time completely, and people will greatly appreciate someone moving the schedule faster than usual.
For the latter Halloween costume contests, effort means NOTHING. You could’ve thrown the damn thing together in five minutes and win, and if you spend 16 hours on it it will not improve your chances. The venue is looking for costumes that look great on the social media, is a character they love, makes them laugh, blows their mind, causes the venue to cheer, and (this is the most important bit) appears in front of whoever the hell is judging the competition. It’s 1 to 3 people who pick on the previously mentioned criteria. Each judge is gonna be a little different. Some judges listen to the crowd, some judges love horror films so every slasher villain goes on stage, some judges do NOT know what the hell a star wars is. The one thing that all judges have in common though, is that they exist in a 3 dimensional space and only have eyes in front of their head. If you’re a wall flower that doesn’t interact with people, you will not win the contest unless the judge is also sharing your wall. Build a dance circle, tip the bartender to figure out who’s judging tonight (they may or may not know) but if you wanna win, physics dictates that you appear in front of a judge as they wander the venue. That is more important than your costume.
Same reason why people stick with wells Fargo even if they can move to a credit union. It takes effort, changes to habit, and risk just to gain… what you already have.
It’s trivial to verify. Slap 20 bucks on the table and say “20 bucks you can’t list a location with a litterbox for furries”
“talks to lots and lots of parents and teachers” and “the media won’t report on it”.
Ain’t gonna get you 20 bucks. Need a location. If you get a location, call 'em. They’ll confirm or deny. (They’re gonna deny)
… that’s a really compelling reason for linux.
I mean the next few years are going to be rough. Being able to recycle these things for basic use is going to be huge. Windows, mac, people need the internet more than anything else. It’s a sad way to gain adoption but it could be insanely impactful…
Depends on the hardness of the tpu. You don’t have to dive into full flexibility
In their defense, there are no stupid questions in this community.
…Although yeah that is hella repetitive. If I’m looking at their history right they haven’t talked about a single other thing for the last 3 months. Not even comments or a random
You uh, you doing a study or something Hickak? There an answer you’re looking for specifically?
Same here, Manga and lemmy. I’ve been slowly trying to add discord to the rotation but I find it taxing. It’s so hard to keep track of which friend group is which and I can’t label servers with my own label
See, I don’t think water is the way to do it. I think you do it with a massive lead pole with teeth to lock into a gear.
Fully contained, no spillage
Oh, see I was thinking a portal on the ISS, but absolutely you could place one against the other, plop in a MASSIVE pole with teeth to match a gear, and just constantly generate power.
It’s constantly evolving. New communities are getting constantly added, and new servers spun up for different reasons and ethos’ are being spun up every day.
I for one cheer and root for my flip phone friends.
I’d never do it, but we have one at work and he’s singlehandedly causing so much grief at work. Because none of the engineers wanna use a security app for login. They want a fob.
IT refuses to pay for fobs and wants us to use an app, but they also don’t want to pay for a phone for anyone in engineering just to use the security app because it opens a floodgate of people with company phones.
It’s just wonderful to watch this fight from the sidelines sipping tea.
In practice, you’re probably right.
But in terms of “I wanna cut waste, and make the government lean! So I am gonna delete the space part of the government and replace it with my own!”
Just sounds bad, like really bad. Even worse than the armored Teslas. I can’t imagine NASA is the top of people’s lists of “utter wastes of time” It’s not a regulator, it’s not in the “known enemies” list unless you’re a flat earther. I dunno how you spin it to be palatable.
… I mean that would’ve been the clearest conflict of interest you could’ve possibly summoned.
Is there even a point to which one you pick? I just picked .kbin because I liked the UI, and when that fell apart I moved to .world mostly at random.
Is there really a large difference between them?
better yet, make it a shifting line. Should be trivial to spot if the line is shifting through all the chroma and lux values.
I really struggle to see a unilateral mobilization and that the US military truly goes through with it.
Especially when foreign assets are getting absolutely left stranded by Trump, programs are getting gutted (he hasn’t touched the VA, yet) and everyone who helped after 9/11 were getting shafted by their government in terms of Healthcare.
If you take away the rather potent motivators of “national security and safety or preventing terrorism” I think you’re gonna get a lot more of a strike from soldiers. Unless you can somehow believably apply that to canada.
Had a new hire try to do all his automation programming in python with an AI. It was horrifying.
Lists and lists and lists of if else statements they caught if a button errored but never caught if it did the right thing. 90% of their bug reports were directly due to their own code. Trivially provable.
Work keeps trying to tell us to use more AI but refuses to mention whether the training data is using company emails. If it is then a buttload of unlabeled non public data is getting fed into it. So only a matter of time until a “fun fact” from the AI turns into a nightmare.
Most of our stuff is in an obscure field with outdated code, so any coding assistance is not really that impressive.
Honestly the flaws I have the biggest complaints about is the God awful UI.
Incorrect tool tips, no drag and drop, no ui for city connectivity, no renaming cities, disappearing entities.
It’s genuinely painful at times.