Not so much now, but I used to buy my digital music from 7digital as they have their music in lossless flac and also hd flac32, not that I had anything to play it on!
Now I mainly buy vinyl.
Not so much now, but I used to buy my digital music from 7digital as they have their music in lossless flac and also hd flac32, not that I had anything to play it on!
Now I mainly buy vinyl.
I heard this on the radio this morning.
Cracking track
Pre smart phones there was a Bluetooth chat client for Sony Ericsson phones.
Have you tried Bluetooth Walkie ?
I’ve not used it myself, but the blurb on the Play store sounds like just what you need.
I started watching MM1 but I’m not a big YouTube watcher.
I may give MM2 a go from your recommendation.
Do you think it would it work with dry products, including salt?
If so, that is a large percentage of packaging which this material can replace.
As long as the UK one is blue.
There is no real silly, just how limited our imagination is.
I honestly thought cameras on phones were silly and I think the first gen camera phones were rubbish. Never did I know and maybe nobody knew that mobile web/web 2/social media would be as popular as it is and would probably suffer without them.
That’s why I vote for RR. I love GT, but as a retro game, I would say RR has that pickup and play mentality whereas GT is for the long hall.
Ridge racer.
I hear what you are saying, but I’m not sure why you aren’t doing what you want to do.
If you have a computer not provided by work, why do you have Slack or Teams?
Use ad blockers and/or Pi-Hole to avoid pesky ads.
Watch live TV.
Write a letter.
Stay away or use sparingly, data hungry services.
I know I feel better for it and I don’t feel as if I’m missing much.
What sort of CAD tools are you making and how do they work?
Health and Safety says:
Don’t breathe in the fumes.
Anything that came out when I was a kid or earlier is retro so anything pre 1990 is retro. Post is modern.