I have had a SV08 for a few weeks. Had a K1 Max for the same time period. I had 2 or two failed prints on the SV08 and about 3 dozen failed prints.
I returned the K1 Max (with huge struggles with support)
Previously I had a Labist ET4 that only worked for a out 5 prints total before giving up on it.
I will agree with your statement. If you are willing to put in a bit of research on YouTube and GITHUB and swap a few parts and spend a few hours you’ll have a hilarious large printer that just spits out almost anything you throw at it, besides ABS and ASA… For now…
So return it if you bought a TV like that.
Buy these things with a credit card. If the store refuses a return or demands a restocking fee, credit card dispute. Visa doesn’t fuck around with this stuff.