Good to know, thanks.
Good to know, thanks.
If you had uBlock origin already, you may have gotten a message through Chrome that it was no longer supported, so it’s been disabled, and gives you the option to remove it. I noticed you don’t have to remove it, and it can be re-enabled. However, I need someone smarter with adblockers than I to say if this is actually helpful and not hazardous.
I’m in California where we have a grocery chain, Safeway. They’ve had a loyalty card for decades, which works great, gets you good deals, can be scanned by the checkout clerk or at self checkout. It also racks up points which can be used for discounts.
About 2 years ago I started seeing signs in the store offering even greater savings through the app. There will sometimes be 2 signs side by side for the loyalty card vs the app. The app is always a better deal.
So I downloaded the app and learned
It’s the dumbest thing ever. Why not just offer the better savings to the loyalty card? Isn’t that the whole point behind loyalty? I literally shop at Safeway less often now.
Yeah what could possibly go wrong?
Sorry, Google maps bested Apple maps in the ass licking contest already.
I haven’t tried this for adding a parameter but check this article about turning off the AI summary: https://www.tomshardware.com/software/google-chrome/bye-bye-ai-how-to-block-googles-annoying-ai-overviews-and-just-get-search-results
Jump down to “How to block AI overviews when searching from Chrome’s address bar on the Desktop” and they walk through adding a Google search with an & parameter. Not sure if it will accept a -site: but worth a try
They’re on this stupid renaming kick. Renaming all the “woke” names back to the “original” white slavers and racists these places originally honored. There are few enough brain cells and energy in government and this is what Trump is making them waste it on. Gulf of THE AmericaS would make sense but obviously the intent is to claim it as the US’s.
There’s 2 ways to go on it. Either not track the data, which is what they want you to do, and protest until they let you use the proper field names, or say fuck their rules, track the data anyway, and you can produce the reports you want. And you can still protest, and when you get the field names back it’s just a replace all tablename.gender with tablename.jander. Different strokes different folks
Can you get around it by renaming fields? Sox or jander? Ethan?
Chinese manufacturers build according to budget. They are perfectly capable of making high quality products, and do. The problem is a lot of companies (looking at you, Walmart) demand their Chinese manufacturers build products for a pittance – the manufacturers won’t say no, but they’ll find a profit for themselves by using lower cost materials. (ETA: also less quality control and cheaper labor)
Ask yourself – if you were a woodworker and someone offered you $250 to build a small stand out of wenge, you’ll probably do a good job of it. If someone offered you $30 to build the same stand, and you really needed that $30, you’d make it with pine and just paint or stain it to look like wenge. Chinese manufacturers are no different.
Think about the technology we have now - a lot of it was inspired by Star Trek technology. Communicators -> smartphones/watches, shuttle -> Rovers, non invasive medical diagnosis, large screens, video calls. And that’s just from TOS. And I’m pretty sure people are still working on creating Transporters.
He’s fun reading, though being a woman I also find his stuff kinda sexist. It’s basically cowboys in space.
“And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
I like that. “This is the Madison sheriff’s department. Your grandson Chris has been arrested and needs bail. We’ll accept payment in the form of a gift card.”
Also 1M to the inauguration. It’s a shakedown IMO, though FWIW 1M is pennies to these guys.
During the pandemic I can see why these services blossomed, but I have only used them once or twice - and only in NYC where I didn’t have a car, and even if I did, getting around by car and parking is more challenging anyway. (Delivery drivers in NYC get around by scooter which they drive anywhere they want (street, sidewalk, wrong way on the street, they do not care. They’d probably get on the elevator if they could).
To me the service charges and tips are higher than I want to pay and I’ll just pick up the stuff myself. It’ll probably be hotter anyway since there aren’t other deliveries that need to be made before mine. The one exception is pizza where they already have their own delivery people.
The amount of irrelevant content that FB sticks in the default feed is just ridiculous. I’ll get a couple posts from friends near the top, but as i scroll the ratio changes until nearly nothing is from friends or FoF. And it’s all this garbage content that FB thinks I want to see, like I watch one cake decorating video and then more of them show up and keep showing up, and im not sure how to get rid of them.
What you have to do is create feeds of your friends (and GD FB limits the number of friends you can put in a feed) and browse that instead.
I used Honey before thr PayPal purchase and it did have working discount codes, as well as a cashback thing that I redeemed a couple times. But I haven’t had any codes work for a long time.
I don’t have any love for influencers but they have the right to make money IMO, and it’s completely shitty behavior for honey to be taking that away from them.
Eh. There are driverless taxis working really well in some cities already. I felt very safe riding in a waymo. Tesla is way late to that party, who cares?
I was actually curious about this several years ago. In 2020 I started two investments, one has investment decisions made by a team of people, the other is not billed as AI but automated. I started them about the same time and with the same amount of money. 5 years later they are still nearly the same, the automated one slightly higher than the human one much of the time but not always.