Sad thing is, if bikes were invented today, they’d be heavily regulated.
Sad thing is, if bikes were invented today, they’d be heavily regulated.
I think part of the issue is that the Greens ended up dependent on Russian Gas, and this was overall a bad move.
I’m extremely worried about India. While, luckily, Climate is not a politicised issue, they are still spending their energy on religious bullshit instead of climate adaptations. They really need to be spending basically all the wealth they have on adaptations across regions or they are in for a massive shock.
“Opinion”. Yeah, to be honest I’m kind of over reading opinions.
Let’s start with the word “blame”: Veilguard isn’t bad on the whole. It’s possibly good, even. I think a lot of the problem with how it’s been received is that it’s not “Bioware good”, which can be a disappontment even for a good game, especially after coming down from Baldur’s fucking Gate 3, a once in a generation game.
So maybe if we said “credit” instead, and I think we can say yeah she sort of can take credit for the game. They offered her game director and she took it, and she put her name to it. I know it’s a shit position to be in, but if you look at Whedon and the Justice League, he passed the “credit” onto Snyder. Busche could have done the same if she chose, but she chose to put her name to it.
Getting a game which is going off the rails back onto the rails is really tough. Kudos to her.
I have a full fat rack, but I’d like to adapt the 10" onto it, is there some sort of adapter thingie to maybe go two-wide?
This mostly doesn’t happen in Australia. Zebra crossing means stop. A lot of pedestrians won’t even check, they just walk onto the road on a crossing.
I feel like maybe we did these in the petrostates to get them out of the way. The next one is in Brazil with (hopefully) Lula. Let’s see how it goes.
I think there’s definitely an element of “the people in charge know what to do”, or that it’s a transient problem, not one which locks us into effort for centuries.
There’s still a pay-off time. For inter-city travel where the distance is long or the usage is low, it might be worth doing this, if only in the short term.
It might also break the cycle of no demand leading to no supply leading to no demand etc.
If there was a word for “genius” but for being a good person instead of smart, she would be that.
Values are not a disability.
Because that’s not how human nature works
Solarpunk is optimistic. You’re probably looking for Green Growth or Cyberpunk.
Trust starts to weaken with scale
You don’t need to use an altcoin, you can use the real legal tender of many countries you “don’t trust” to buy stuff. Buy Argentine currency and use it to trade. You need to trust something at some point, and what you’re (maybe unknowingly) doing is trusting authoritarian institutions. Code cannot substitute for that.
Your argument seems to be “Authoritarianism is a reasonable thing to sacrifice in order to enable trustless purchases” in the same breath as “But also I don’t even trust the authorities”, assuming you’re arguing for an altcoin.
like money and trust are opposed
OK let’s say you owe me a dollar and I just remember that. How is an altcoin superior to you trusting me?
trust in people doesn’t scale at all
So you do think it’s a real dichotomy?
but if we use paypal and ebay i can kinda trust those 2 platforms
If they are paying paypal, you are leveraging paypal to create a threat of violence on them. That’s not very Solarpunk of you.
I’m more than happy to alienate them. They don’t trust me, why should society work according to their whims?
Why not just trust people?
Overall the issue is that they’re not a “like” technology for ICE cars. The transition won’t happen without regulation. In Norway the vast majority of new car sales are EVs. China too has basically moved straight to EV infrastructure rather than ICE. It can be done but the government has got to do the job. In countries where they are unwilling to, this isn’t going to work.
The olive oil is an example.
I’d like to fix climate change instead?
I watched a Youtube video about this, and yeah, induced demand affects everything, but when it affects Buses, you get more buses, and that’s more efficient. When it affects Trains, you get more trains, and that’s more efficient. The only time it gets less efficient is when it affects cars. The moral of the story was: It wasn’t the Induced Demand, it was the Cars that were the problem.