That being said, if you live outside of a maple tree
Unless you’re an elf baking cookies, we all live outside of maple trees :-D
As opposed to girl marathons?
Excuse me?? A reply by THE Alex Sadler about the TV show Chuck?? I think I can turn off the Internet for the day. I’m satisfied.
The way to fix a pad-bottom is simple! Just give the next element a negative margin-top!
How much did they cost you?
Easier to replace the light switch at that point
Have you worked in a lifeless, joy sucking office job?? Cause that’s what you look like after the first week
If that 80 year old’s name was Jack Bauer, that would be justified. He can kill you with that KitKat
didn’t draw my gun or anything
Pfft. And you call yourself a cop. The shame!
Oh I don’t own the stock. But you can’t deny that it’s been a great asset for anyone that got in early. Saying it’s down 30% from 6 months ago without looking at the big picture is short sighted.
Also, fuck Elon
zooms out 5 years
Up nearly 800%
Yooo hooo
Are you making a suggestive cat call? Or do you just like the chocolate beverage 😊
I like my options 0dte
By a huge margin
Nothing. For one, it won’t let you enter letters. Two, the table structure to these POS systems are more nuanced than a simple bills table with am amounts field.
It’s amusing and all, but it’s not something you can do.
Source: work with, and develop around, these types of POS systems.