I’m going to be going the free solution route, been trying to find a cheap laptop to turn into my server right now. Do you mind if I reach out about it or do you know of any good instances?
I’m going to be going the free solution route, been trying to find a cheap laptop to turn into my server right now. Do you mind if I reach out about it or do you know of any good instances?
Dumb question but should there be VPNs operating on both ends, server and client? Or just the client because I’m guessing the server might change the connection address.
With the head that well done there was no need to put the name, nailed the depiction.
Might take you up on that in a couple of months if I don’t feel like destroying the old gaming PC hahaha
Awesome, that’s some great leads especially with a Nvidia card.
I’ll try and pick the easiest one without any grub work, I faintly remember my old school courses and have a faint reminder of hearing about grub. Didn’t sound like something to touch without the knowhow, Ill be careful.
Yeah! I got a couple of them into it when people came to me asking how I do my own edits, and from there it seemed to just be word of mouth.
Thankfully I helped the first through get the basics down and they then passed that knowledge on and so forth, so it’s worked out pretty well. A bunch of broke ass skaters will learn anything as long as it’s free, it’s why we spend most of our time falling.
The whole skateboard community thrives on it where I’m from, especially in this age of everyone wanting their own skate vid.
Don’t know if it’s gaslighting if you change it to say “Trump is partially your fault because you didn’t want to vote for the lesser of two evils”. Still points out a bit of how ridiculous it is.
-A Canadian
Is that seriously a thing with Filezilla? I had to use it for something recently and downloaded it for the first time in years. Couldn’t find any way to not blind myself no matter how hard I tried.
To make sure to remind you to take your vitamins.
Any good step by step explainers nowadays? Been over a decade sinceI set my last Linux machine up for a friend, and have been thinking about trying one for a Jellyfish server.
Knowing that my gaming PC could get a few extra frames might intrruige me into performing the upgrade there too if the jellyfish machine goes well.
We don’t speak about the animated series here
Am I crazy or have I not seen most of the Jewish population speaking out against what the Israeli government is doing? Isn’t it something like an 85% disapproval rate of their government of Israeli citizens too? This is what is making me confused with a lot of the attacks I’ve seen on the Jewish population of the world, it seems they’re much more against the governments actions than I’ve been reading Palestinian peoples views of Hamas.
Not sure what a single parent household has to do with how anyone is as a person ultimately? Quite a thing to add to the comment. Aren’t like 45% of marriages ending in divorce nowadays?
Thanks for the in depth response explaining the pros and cons. I actually do most of my car work myself, having done time in a Honda dealership, but also with my time in there I still remember us oil techs not being allowed to work on the hybrids oil changes for that exact reason. They’d have to go to a higher tech with the experience working with them. I don’t think I would want to test my luck.
Thanks for the insight. I guess thats the P from PHEV, there’s just so many acronyms now I’m losing track.
Not familiar with these newer hybrids, is this a plug in scenario or closer to the older Toyota hybrids where the battery recharges through driving?
Row houses maybe, but there’s an adversity to condo fees which usually come along with every other source of housing. A lot of people want to feel like they own their home outright, so that once their mortgage is done being paid off, all they need to worry about is the hydro, water, and property taxes. There’s a lot of stories about condo groups doubling condo fees that put others off those types of places.
In the same category of outdoor roller sports;
Still a bit small on the current instance.
This is the first I’ve heard about Brazil in this type of cyber attack. Is it re-routed traffic going there or are there a large number of Brazilian bot farms now?