Check out MetalLB for a local Loadbalancer
Check out MetalLB for a local Loadbalancer
Archive.org has a lot of storage.
Tailscale is nice and you can give different access to different people. It also tends to get past most VPN blocks.
I’m a fan of Composers. Current and past servers
New ones will be
Services are just what they are.
Dredge is great on the deck!
There are others that paved the way, too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothee_Besset https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loki_Entertainment https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_C._Gordon
It’s to be the replacement for Xorg/X11.
After reading all the comments and info, I’d like it to stay. It’s one of my favorite communities.
I would 100% watch Muppets doing Shakespeare. That’s basically what the comedies were in those days anyway.
My 90yo neighbor has run Mint since before I met him 15 years ago
Almost everything on Soma.FM’s Christmas Lounge
I’m a vi user that maps it to Esc
Markdown files and Logseq https://logseq.com/ as the front end. I’ve been using Mardown for over 10 years, and it’s worked for me. Work uses JIRA, but I keep my own notes and copy in them in as necessary.
I also have a dd reading my NAS once a month. It catches bad sectors and forces issues into the open.
I just use dd. It can take days, but it’s worth it.
I’ve used these kinds of disks in my NAS at least since 2017 with no issues. Just test thoroughly before using. I usually do SMART short and long tests, and then a bit by bit write and read of the entire disk. I’ve caught a couple that failed right away. If it passes that, then it’s usually good for years.
Only 30 tabs, you need to bump those numbers up!
It’s worked really well for me.