I have a friend who loses his mind when anyone uses this (who isn’t Australian.) He is also not Australian, not sure what his burden is
I read an interview with Bezos once a while ago, and he was asked why he didn’t use his wealth to help end homelessness. I’m paraphrasing here, but he said they did a study and they concluded poverty and homelessness was a moral issue and couldn’t be solved. Not that I believe for a second he actually did a study, and that a valid, science backed study would conclude that. What a total and complete piece of shit.
I love the edit of this picture, it reads “say pizza to drugs, say no to yes.” This is the first time I’ve seen the original pic.
That’s why I wear my “Let’s summon demons!” shirt at every opportunity. Pearl clutching intensifies!
This is what is meant when people talk about the patriarchy and toxic masculinity hurting everyone. It’s not “all men are bad!” But rather the idea that men aren’t allowed by society to have feelings other than anger, or are unable to be raped, or need to just “man up” when they are suffering-It’s all bullshit, and so harmful to men and boys. I’m so sorry for what you went through, and I hope you were able to find peace.
You think so? Ivanka is his clear favourite, I thought for sure she would be the chosen successor
deleted by creator
Those are made by the same people who make American bathroom stall doors
I saw an instagram post of Lauren’s with a picture of Bezos shirtless and the caption read something like “is it just me, or is it hot in here” and the first comment was “it’s just you”
Yes, absolutely. But it’s still total garbage that the revelation comes only after her poor son is effected personally. People need to realise and care their shit takes have devastating real world consequences not only for themselves but others around them.
So it does sound like something she chose because…autism or whatever else these types pull out of their ass. It’s heartbreaking for those kids
If the earth is flat, then where do the CHUDs and Morlocks live huh? Chessmate!
The way it’s written implies the kid was placed in some sort of DHS “program” (?) maybe a scheduling thing (?), not that the mother was an anti-vax idiot, although it’s entirely possible she was. Either way the poor kid died of a preventable disease. Terrible.
Free therapy, you say?
…she said he had been put on a delayed vaccination programme.
I’m not familiar with this. Can any English readers enlighten me? Why was it delayed?
Same, what a shame