Nice! I don’t know shit about skiing
Nice! I don’t know shit about skiing
Hm, I’d be interested to see how PLA works out as a high impact part
Hell yeah, printing functional crap is a powerful feeling! What material did you use?
He’s just a shambling undead rubber stamp at this point, I’d reckon
They’ve just got a guy doing tae kwon do in the back splitting all the boards with his bare hands
My a1 mini arrived yesterday and I’ve been having a great time with it. So far I’ve only used the maker world app to print pre sliced models, but I’m gonna start digging in to the slicer this weekend
oki just pulled the trigger on one
endless plastic trinkets, here i come
Gridfinity is honestly pretty compelling. Early on in my research I came across void star and I’ve watched a ton of his videos
The A1 mini is exactly what I’m eyeing. This let’s me test the waters without a huge investment and then if i feel like it’s worth persuing I can upgrade to something more hands on and flexible
I’ve been eying the entry bambu lab mini, I’m not too keen on the closed aspect, but I figure if i get something cheap and I wanna stick with it i can shell out a few more bucks for a more capable open platform later on and still have something my kid can fuck around with
I’ve heard that the ender 3s are really fiddly. I’m not opposed to tinkering, but if I’m being honest i just want something i can push print on with minimal fuss for my first printer
what a bunch of cowards
Yeah green beaker is poison, bad science. Blue beaker is healthy good science juice
science is blue because star trek science is blue
Just to add on to this: let it cure completely! Those VOCs may be just below perceptible to you, but that little kitty is way more sensitive to the harmful effects
That shit got expensive as hell, wtf
Maybe brush on a two part epoxy?
I bet something like a hardwood floor finish might be a good place to start looking
Would you mind linking that paper so that i can read it?
If it doesn’t work, PETG is a similarly easy to print filament that has better mechanical properties