Both red and blue wants people in the middle east dead. Instead of picking a group of dead people over another what about voting for someone that isn’t a fucking murderer?
Both red and blue wants people in the middle east dead. Instead of picking a group of dead people over another what about voting for someone that isn’t a fucking murderer?
If you were from Yemen and the past 4 red and blue presidents bombed your country who would you vote for?
No idea who the greens are, vote for someone that isn’t a fascist or a genocide supporter, do not give them your support, they feed on your vote.
Voting for red and blue won’t either
20 years of bombing as the title of this thread implies is probably the cause they are angry with america. Ironically by taking position against israel genocide they are doing more than the west at preventing fanaticism as it has been said over and over that the indiscriminate bombing of gaza can only breed more terrorists. Whoever leads them is probably a scummy individual but just as much as Biden or the other 3 presidents that bombed them.
Houthis attacking ships is probably the consequence of the west fucking up with them to steal their territories and money.
“Yemen has been targeted by U.S. military action and bombings over the last four American presidencies — of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, now Joe Biden.”
Red and blue are the same party, stop voting for them.
They are not going to allow that or they would be the first one getting nuked
Just in my personal experience Discord works a lot better and is far more convenient
Your personal experience is biased as fuck because having to go through phone verification or downloading a sketchy proprietary client is in no way far more convenient than firing up irc
How tf is the US still supporting these sub-human pieces of shit
yeah how tf is the US still supporting their politicians
They didn’t mentioned trump in their post.
Mission accomplished
Not so much ago i was handled an iphone and i had no idea how to unlock it and use it as there aren’t any keys or instructions on the device. Joe Everyman is just used to it but in fact iphones are not easy to use. I think this really thread can also hint something, some OSS may not be easy to use or well supported but it is designed to be open and accessible. Proprietary software and standards puts you through a set of restrictions for example having to register and give away all your personal informations to download binaries.
Yes finland is just as imperialistic as the others they just are not in position to invade anyone. You don’t need an army to defend yourself from someone, people can defend themself much better without someone above them punishing them if they don’t follow authoritarian orders.
Whatever you are getting your hands into remember that there’s plenty of free alternatives and libre products available in the public domain. Supporting these is a good way to unsupport the closed counterpart.
I don’t see how they could make it any worst, Valve main product is a useless proprietary walled garden launcher that spy on its customers
Super effective to destroy another useless trillion dollar military assets. Imagine spending trillions on something which main purpose isn’t to dig a hole in the ground.
I assume every nation with an army have imperialist aims
This is getting out of hands, economy and society are crumbling and everyone can see it with their own eyes. At this point is in the interest of any political party to stop billionares amassing wealth.