Not a boring read, just had a natural reaction to yawn.
Not a boring read, just had a natural reaction to yawn.
He is better and smarter than anyone else. Probably better looking too. Everyone must know and agree with his opinion. /s
Am Oregonian, I didn’t see any ads about RCV. Plenty of ads about other measures and local candidates. Presidential race didn’t bother spending money on us as Portland, Salem, Eugene out number the rest of the state and generally vote dem.
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Pretty sure the whole reasoning behind the eagles not taking the ring to Mt doom was because of the nazgul. That’s why Gandalf had the whole Hobbits sneak into Mordor plan.
“I can vouch you for that.”
I don’t want to touch your hands. Especially if you were being a bit of an ass. Simple as that.
“Gotta see a man about a dog.”
Had a coworker that would go the the bathroom and sit in there for 10 to 15 so I started calling it a “Tony ten-er.”
And we can throw a party! We’ll call it Lemon Party Day!
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Own a house. I finally start making decent money and can save but it’s nothing to what I would need for a mortgage. On top of that if I do finally bite I can’t guarantee my income if I chnlange jobs which could be a thing. I just want to own and have a yard so I can get a dog. My shitty apparetment doesn’t have space or commodities for it and rent keeps going up.
Pretty sure the white stuff is antiperspirant while the blue is just deodorant. Most scents have both kinds and the label should say which is which. I don’t sweat much myself so the antiperspirant def iritated me years ago when I bought the wrong kind.
Dilute calico! Me and my lady just homed one ourselves in July. Aspen looks like a long hair but Islay is medium length.
FFS. As in, for fucks sake, we all know it’s FFS?!
Edit: sorry, drunk after work and reread the question. FFS is my fav.
Does anything really matter?
That’s the Great Filter. Basically, no intelligent life can survive past a certain point because they end up offing themselves. Pretty much what we’re about to do ourselves.