This is a very well written an thorough article and I highly recommend reading it. If you don’t want to however, here is a summary of the key points:
- Brendan Eich donated to anti-LGBT political organizations, politicians, and initiatives such as CA Prop 8 which banned same-sex marriages.
- Brave promised to replace ads with privacy friendly ads that would actually pay publishers and even users with a volatile cryptocurrency while keeping a cut for themselves. This never actually came to life and was criticized as “blatantly illegal”.
- Brave collected donations for popular content creators without actually involving or seeking consent from said creators. In short they accepted donations in crypto for creators, but would only pay out if it reached a minimum value of $100. When called out, Brave said refunds were impossible.
2020 — Brave injects referral links when visiting crypto wallets
- Brave injected their own referral links for services such as Binance without informing users or asking permission.
- Brave turned their home screen image rotator into a place to serve ads, many of which were suspicious or crypto related.
- Brave added a Tor feature which exposed users DNS requests
- Brave refuses to disclose their crawler bot to websites since many websites want to block Brave Search. Brave will only chose not to crawl a website if it also blocks Google’s crawler.
2024 - So-called “privacy browser” deprecated advanced fingerprinting protection
- Brave removed a the Strict, Block Fingerprinting privacy feature from their browser.
- Brave paid for targeted ads for users searching for Firefox in the Play Store and ran a campaign to “Forget the Fox”. When called out on this the VP publicly denied it and claimed it was photo-shopped.
- The VP of Brave, Luke Mulks, frequently posts about all things crypto, from NFTs to FTX, and uses AI-gen images to promote them. He also frequently re-tweets right-wing activists.
- Brendan Eich’s feed also frequently contains right-wing content and Republican propaganda despite his claims to be “independent”.
Edit: corrected a mistake noted below.
Corrected the mistake, thanks.