Girls i am not even on the same side of the sphere as America?
Profile by artisticside(, Instagram:@artisticsideoflife_)
Banner by Elena_Medvedeva(, Website:
Girls i am not even on the same side of the sphere as America?
Bitch Fuck you, i kept refreshing the page thinking their was something wrong with my browser Also do plz mark this NSFW, There is an actual (rubber) penis in the comments
Yeah, it tries to use the keyring to store passwords every time you launch it even if you turned off password saving, the same applies to chrome and chromium browsers in general plus most password managers, tho not always. I tried to troubleshoot it, most forums online suggested to remove gnome key-rings if you are not using them but it kept reinstalling it. This plus brave being slower on mobile made me switch to firefox
Yeah, my instance been having problems for a while now, it used to be that blocked communities always show up but know 10 tens of comments dont show up
I can burp on command tho i think that ones command
sometimes, i get leg cramps in the middle of sleep and have to stay awake to keep my leg at an angle so it doesnt hurt too much
I assume you dont mean poor quality ones. is your voice really deep or really high pitched to you or other ppl around you
before reading his user name, i thought this was so out of left field and rude
Similar, its like muscle crap when i yawn too much so i cant shut my jaw for a few seconds
I can use earphones that go into your ear but not headsets that cover the whole of my ear. back in school some of our buses had alot of dust in the seats, like my sisters bus.When ever i had to ride with her, it triggered my ears even if there is no visible dust in the air
it’s like when go from a high down, your ears pop
My sisters can do 1 and 3, and like i said in my other comment, it makes my skin crawl
For the teeth i have something similar. My last baby tooth was just removed last year even tho i am +18, turns out my adult tooth was growing below it all this time and now its behind my row of teeths and i can’t stop rubbing it with my tongue and its damn sharp that its driving me insane
I am gonna remove it too but unfortunately we dont have the money for that now
the fourth one, both my sisters can do that? makes me squeamish
so its visible to other ppl too for u. Can other ppl feel ur ear being hot? Do you have dust allergies or allergies in general?
Chilly does the same thing for me, but it is never pleasant. Now that i think about it its more like an inch under my scalp than a tingles
Also chilly makes me produce thicker and more saliva for almost 24hrs that i have to spit in a bin regularly
Same, tho i am not in Saudi. But yeah, i wouldn’t have though they knew of lemmy let alone of specific websites, or even care to block it. A heads up tho, i remember in a video on YT it said the USA ISP stores your IP Traffic for at least 10 years. Its possible it stored there for longer but i am not sure when and if they might act on that information. in your original post, some ppl said to use VPNs which can be a bad idea and land u in worst waters. I used to worry about this shit for almost 1 and half years(guess i still do)and my mental health went down the shitter for it.
Edit: I remember a story of a Mom on twitter being vocal against the Saudi government and was sentenced into prison for it. Also at the time on of the princes of Saudi had a share-hold in twitter, not sure if that’s still the case.
My dumbass clicks on those 9 times out of 10
you mean click on 9 times
This is something i never understood about this meme. like most ppl know who Timmy is, so why use him in this meme. Also, doesnt god exist in fairly odd parents, like didnt timmy met him or am i thinking of some other show
Just cuz its not real person doesn’t mean it should be labeled as NSFW. I remember someone posted a screenshot of twitter post which all venom and all there penis type and even that was marked NSFW