Has to be AI. I can’t imagine him having the patience to pose like this or him being ok with other people getting their hands all over him.
Has to be AI. I can’t imagine him having the patience to pose like this or him being ok with other people getting their hands all over him.
Right, just the prospective ones. Riiiiiight.
Yep, more incest vore
I don’t know this character, does she have adamantium bones or something
Some of us were doing infrastructure as code back when they still called us “Linux admins” and we were doing “gitops” with Subversion and Puppet. My title has changed a lot since the old days but some of the “new hotness” was around in the old days with different names. Fuck, look at LPARs.
Two slices of toast, one with butter one with grape jelly. Slice a boiled egg, put the egg slices on the toast, give it a little bit of salt, complete assembly and boom, my breakfast egg sandwich.
It’s really good and I don’t understand why people are so weirded out by it. Eating a boiled egg and some toast with butter and jelly is fine for breakfast, but! Put them together as a sandwich and now I’m the weirdo.
I got no errors or logs, the program stopped “sucessfully” but i get no output.
This makes it sound like your code is doing what you’re telling it to do with no errors. Show us your code and we can help figure out the delta between expectation and reality.
In these difficult times I find that all I need is spending some time with my loved ones, enjoying my old favorite media and games and sharing them with my daughter, and nightly cuddles from my beautiful monster of a cat while I read web serials to unwind.
Well, those things and also cannabis and escorts. And pizza. Keeps me going.
Yep. “Oopsie, our operations `inadvertently’ created some more martyrs for the cause. well, time to keep bombing more babies”
Putting the “God” in Godwin’s law
They’ll just find a way to make sure only the top 10% richest white people can access it through a loophole
RIP pictures for sad children
Professional means you do it for money. In which case you need another job
Honestly I don’t know what’s more soul crushing, the incorrectly added comma or the fact OP still doesn’t get it
As a professional virgin loser
You need a new job
Save yourself. It’s not too late to preserve your ignorance.
Go to the doctor
When we started dating she had a light-“natural” style of makeup I liked. Ten years later I’m not entirely sure what happened but when she puts on makeup now it’s much more extreme and not really attractive to me. It makes her feel pretty which is what matters I guess.
When’s the last time Trump even actually got near a church? Was it the photo op during his last term where he held up the bible upside down?