Like fuck he paid for it
Like fuck he paid for it
Koresh you say. History repeat itself?
I don’t care how rich he is. I’m embarrassed for him.
So sad So sad🎉
Has he tried bleach?
Recent pandemic started in China. Next is USA.
😂🤣😭 This is the only reply I can make!
Bit like Elon, Never lived up to the hype
They already have fucktard. You’re trying to drag em back in
If’n he can point to it on a map
One on the left just sold in the USA for 2.2 million dollars. Average price per weight in America
I wonder who will pay for that🙄
I’d support him being attached to one of his rockets at launch
That’s the rent per week
Like myqqq attached is
Many people commenting of the difficulties in prosecuting people for anti Trump settlements. More likely they will “release” this information for the wider public(maga linch mob)