You sound insane to me but you’re probably a young person. Seems for you younger people anything that isn’t authoritarian left is “right wing”
You sound insane to me but you’re probably a young person. Seems for you younger people anything that isn’t authoritarian left is “right wing”
Right wing? You must be fucking high
fuck reddit
you know it’s bad when ohanian and rose have gotten together to make a new digg
whoa bro chill with the fascism /s
'ate spez 'ate reddit mod cabal
luv lemmy luv decentralization
simple as
yeah homie this kinda idiotic thinking is why you’ll continue to lose elections and the middle for the rest of time.
They will double down and keep screaming the sky is falling and whoever disagrees with them will be labeled Nazi/Fascist.
Maybe Hyperreality? Or people are just completely brainwashed these days, no critical analysis or thought
Burden of proof isn’t on me. The algorithm for X is open source and anyone can verify it themselves. https://github.com/twitter/the-algorithm
How people are falling for this obvious bullshit complete with spelling errors is a sad reflection of media literacy in the younger generation
It’s actually scary how much of Reddit is full of astroturf and overly sensitive moderators these days. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
O’Brien, he’s trustworthy
Really great video! Glad the community was able to help this person out, love stories like this
Spez is a cunt
Fuck Reddit. Astroturfed garbage filled with literal and metaphorical bots
eVeRyoNe WhO diSaGreEs WiTh Me iS a RuSsIan AsSet!!!
Yeah so two wrongs don’t make a right actually
lol. this is the company that to this day makes zero mention of Aaron Swartz as a cofounder.