You know, sometimes I feel bad about gambling some money away on the stock market and feel a bit like a failure. But then I come across posts like these and I remember that at least I do not fuck up on a colossal scale like this.
You know, sometimes I feel bad about gambling some money away on the stock market and feel a bit like a failure. But then I come across posts like these and I remember that at least I do not fuck up on a colossal scale like this.
Nice! Also have a 1:28 that my wife got for me. Thing is super fast, like 25km/h. What model did you get?
I am super impatiently awaiting a new set of wheels for my RC car to be delivered. I purchased them a while ago and it is taking ages! I want to finally finish my build and let it rip on the street!
Banks: Hold my beer!
And later blame it on the workers that unionized.
Have you played the game though? It’s filled to the brim with content. I already have a lot of hours in and I think I’m only about half through the game. You talk to friends and everyone is telling a different story of how they approached a problem in the game. Almost every conversation in the game has voice lines.
It’s absolutely not flawless. Controls are clunky, path findinf of your compagnions is weird most of the time etc. But you absolutely see that this game is a labour of love and not a quick cash grab. Plus again, it’s massive and it’s one of the few games where I actually understand them not being able to fix every bug in the game.
So I wouldn’t say that we lower the bar with them in relation to bugs. They have raised the bar in content and overall quality so high that you are more willing to forgive / overlook a lot of the issues, as long as they are not game breaking.
If I recall correctly, it’s not infamous for being super depressing but because it used to be a light hearted web comic (CTRL+ALT+DEL) about nerds doing nerd stuff and then the author decided to go into this weird dramatic arch of an ongoing love story that just didn’t really fit into the whole thing. The “Loss” strip was the overly dramatic peak of this arch and I think at this point people were already making fun of it. While the topic certainly is pretty depressing, it was more the fact that this whole thing was rather cringeworthy and over the top that started the whole meme.
Here, have an upvote.
You have to be harsh, otherwise nobody gets to play. When we started our new group we made sure to inform everyone that playing DnD is not to be treated as a secondary hobby that can just be canceled for other stuff all the time. Make it your priority, plan other things around the sessions if you want to play with that group. Of course, any emergencies excluded but otherwise treat it as if it is your sport club training. If you miss too many sessions, you’re out.
I know this sounds super arrogant and mean, but it’s the only thing that works consistently. Also filters out friends who are not ready or able to commit that much time for playing.
Richtig erkannt - genau das wollte ich mit dem Wort nicht nur suggerieren, ich wollte es explizit damit ausdrücken. Ich diskutiere nicht mit jemandem, der nicht anerkennen kann, dass auf beiden Seiten in den letzten Monaten sinnlos und wahllos Menschen getötet wurden. Egal auf welcher “Seite” man steht, die sinnlose Verschwendung von Menschenleben müsste einem IMMER zu denken geben.
Ob und wie du ein Töten durch irgendjemanden als “gerechtfertigt” siehst, ist mir egal, weil es das einfach nicht ist.
Die Vergleiche mit diesen spezifischen Begriffen sind vielleicht absurd. Das bedeutet aber noch lange nicht, dass Israel vor jeder Kritik zu schützen ist und nie etwas falsch gemacht hat, wie es in diesem Interview rüberkommt.
Ist auch immer wieder schön, wie wir über die korrekte Verwendung von Vergleichsbegriffen diskutieren, während dort unten die Menschen auf beiden Seiten dahingeschlachtet werden.
Where I live our stores are closed on Sundays except those located in larger railstations and gas stations.
And right in the time where people should be with their families, in Advent, stores are allowed to open up on the four Advent Sundays and everyone goes fucking wild.
Now, the retail store lobby or whatever it is called here is rallying for stores to be allowed to open up 8 Sundays a year, because ‘people want the convenience to be able to shop on a Sunday’. You know what? No. Fuck those people. Get your groceries on a Saturday or during the week and chill the fuck out on a Sunday.
It’s insane to me how people apparently just can’t go one day without getting something from a store.
I think it’s beautiful to have one day in the week where (most) people just don’t have to work at all. I really don’t like how the hypercapitalism of the US just swaps over to Europe more and more.
And pushed Linux gaming into the spotlight once again!
While the comic combined with the text has a bit of an edgy vibe, I agree with the overall message. Advertising was just decided upon to be an acceptable way to force people to look at whatever. And no, it’s not always an option to “just don’t look at it if you don’t like it”. I fucking hate those advertising TVs that get set up all over my city, they grab your attention even more than regular billboards.
Yes, but the guys who made the profit will be hailed as successful business people while the people advising for a responsible approach will be condemned as fucking blockers of innovation and success of the business. The idiots at the top who spew out their shit are glamourized while the people cleaning up at the bottom are the joke of society.
Your point with the “great” things is so true. All the “great” people of history that get remembered for a really long time are mostly some despots / royalty / tyrants that have done TERRIBLE things. Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Hannibal etc. and we now treat them like some super geniuses that built great empires. Some of them are even ‘worshipped’ in pop culture. Oh and yeah they killed a bunch of people but eh… price of being a great man I guess.
I wonder if Hitler will ever be talked about like this.
Ah yes, please acknowledge the good we are doing in this world: The bare fucking minimum.
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What hardcore Linux users don’t seem to really get is this: The vast majority of people who need to use computers simply do not care about anything you just said. They absolutely don’t. They simply want to press a button to boot the device, use the apps they need and maybe even play a game and that’s it. That is what Windows does for them.
The average user is overwhelmed when the desktop icons have been moved.
I love Linux and it is on a great way to being used by a wider audience and it’s great it provides the freedom it does. But it still has its quirks that makes it too hard to use for 95% of users.
If you want Anarchism, just say so instead of using vague answers?
And the thing with “Educate yourself” is so fucking lazy and a dumbass argument if you claim to have the answer?
This is the double standard I hate so much about violence / porn / swearing.
Kids are watching ultra violent game streams? No one gives a shit.
The second a bad word has been said on a stream or a bit of nudity is shown, people are losing their god damn minds.