Yang was born in Thailand and was a legal permanent US resident until she pleaded guilty to marijuana-related charges and served more than 2 years in prison.
Unfuckingbelievable. 2 years in prison for weed, what are we even doing here.
Yang was born in Thailand and was a legal permanent US resident until she pleaded guilty to marijuana-related charges and served more than 2 years in prison.
Unfuckingbelievable. 2 years in prison for weed, what are we even doing here.
I’m genuinely curious if they would make her take down that sign.
That is kind of a hilarious way to look at this, Columbia is actually trying to help these students find jobs!
I’m assuming you meant unhireable right? Just such a weird ass punishment, like basically an adult timeout?
temporary degree revocations
What in the everliving fuck does this even mean!?
Just out of curiosity, who do you think “they” are?
Duuuude I just discovered this guy, been binging all his videos.
I guess if you ignore everything they said, yeah sure it kind of is like saying that 🤔
Wayyyy wayyyy too much path of exile 2. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy
Admin, he’s doing it sideways.
Because they’re so educated.
Reminds me of that guy that said he “loved the poorly educated” Wonder what happened to him…
No hidden context here
Proceeds to put hidden context in brackets.
That’s the point of dehumanizing language chief, you intentionally leave the part out that they’re human beings.
Is this too subtle?
Says the person who doesn’t understand the dehumanizing connotation of calling people “illegals”
Remind me who they were running as VP again? Was it another cishet white guy? Also maybe you should be the one trying to understand privilege instead of projecting your own insecurities onto the word. Cool flags though bro.
-signed, Another cishet white guy
What’s the phrase in French?
No worries, you just hear a lot of misguided criticisms of the education system a lot of which are based on anecdotal experiences. I wish everyone would keep tabs on what kids are learning and have a more hands on approach to curricula.
We needed in schools to be teaching how to pick out real news from fake news.
Obviously there are issues with education in this country but it’s always an easy scapegoat for these kinds of issues. Plenty of states have skills like this in their common core, I would venture to say you’re incorrect on that point.
I’m not disagreeing with any of that, just saying their opening salvo is funny because it’s pretty clear they’re not a basketball fan.
Ok but that wasn’t the point the person I was responding to was making.
Why don’t you read the responses to this same question in this thread genius?