And which group do all the liberals who say they’ll move to Canada if Trump wins fall into? 😂
And which group do all the liberals who say they’ll move to Canada if Trump wins fall into? 😂
Oh brother, she went from “I pity Trump supporters because they’re just too stupid to understand why he’s a bad man” to full-on “they’re sad, racist and stupid, and there’s just no helping them”. She just can’t help but look down on the tens of millions of people who plan to vote for him for a variety of reasons. The constant elitism coming from the left isn’t doing them any favors.
making fun of Trump for being orange never gets old!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
buggy, infrequent updates, lack of content, an ideological hive mind…is anyone really surprised?
And again, how did the company make the money to pay them that salary? Way to deliberately misunderstand my comment.
“Enough suckers ahead of me have paid for the game, now it’s morally right for me to pirate it!” 🤡
And how do these companies make the money required to pay the salaries of their employees?? 🤔
Am I taking crazy pills? Thieves are claiming the moral high ground?
Since you’re ostensibly a pirate, it stands to reason that you wouldn’t understand how buying a game works.
Hell yeah, game devs don’t deserve to be paid for their work 🤡
LOL, not a single Lemmy user would even be brave enough to be a police officer.
Do we have to make everything political now? Can’t we just enjoy the game?
And Lemmy isn’t an echo chamber? Try posting any conservative opinions around here and see how many downvotes you get.
And? Their site clearly states that a premium subscription is required.
Yep, that or a fascist.
Amen. Fuck Tesla owners for doing something decent for the environment.
I love watching the left fight amongst themselves. Maybe they should try focusing on beating the other party.
Ha, what a loser. Artists don’t deserve to be paid for their work.
America bad! Europe good! I was really hoping we left this tired joke on Reddit.
How’s that communism working out for them?