Le terme n’a aucune définition. Pour l’extrême droite, “woke” est juste quelque chose qu’ils n’aiment pas. Aux États-unis, “woke” signifiait ”social justice," mais maintenant, ça n’a plus de sens sauf ”mauvais" pour l’extrême droits.
Le terme n’a aucune définition. Pour l’extrême droite, “woke” est juste quelque chose qu’ils n’aiment pas. Aux États-unis, “woke” signifiait ”social justice," mais maintenant, ça n’a plus de sens sauf ”mauvais" pour l’extrême droits.
Rolling your own email is a pain. That said, I use a VPS and host my own server with domain name and site for $5/month. Setting it up was a pain, but once you get all the records right so you’re not considered spam, it works really well. That said, I haven’t done anything with webmail; I strictly use IMAP and SMTP.
Damn, don’t go giving them ideas!
But there are different types of temporary. Temporary because the code got updated/upgraded or new and better software got implemented feels fine. It feels like your work was part of the never ending march of technical progress. Temporary because it gets ripped out if favor of a different, inferior suite hits hard.
If my code gets superseded by someone else’s complete rewrite that is better, then I’m all for it. If my code gets thrown out because we’re switching to a different, inferior system that is completely incompatible with my work, then that just hits like a ton of bricks.
Ah, gotcha. I didn’t go too deep into the code, just did a cursory look. I think it’s still an interesting concept.
Agreed! In my little online ecosystem, there’s been a number of stories of federal workers resisting, cities teaching people their rights to thwart ICE, etc. Since that may or may not make it out of certain bubbles, we should be boosting stories like that and sending them around so others don’t feel alone and do feel empowered to resist.
I don’t know why this is getting downvoted. It seems like an interesting concept for certain use cases, and it looks like it’s just a tiny team.
It’s not the most practical thing in the universe, but I have a small VPS that I host my email on for myself and a couple others (5 addresses in total). It’s a bit of a pain to set up, but once it’s working, it is really nice to have that kind of control.
To be fair, that’s how some of the nazi concentration camps started. A lot of countries wouldn’t take the deported Jewish people, so the nazis had to come up with another “solution.” Unless something changes, this is where we’re heading, and it is beyond frightening.
Same here. My desktop is in a controlled environment, so I don’t see a need. Plus, if I do have some sort of issue, I will still be able to access those files.
Since I actually take my laptop places, I have that encrypted for sure.
This is why I am dreading when my 2017 dumb TV dies. It’s really telling that dumb TVs, which should be cheaper to produce and sell, are either not available or very expensive (as in commercial displays). Really proves the point that the consumer is really the product.
Jaguar: “Copy Nothing”
Proceeds to copy one of the worst car designs ever created.
What a joke of a company and design.
EDIT: Welp…guess I didn’t read closely enough 🤷 It’s still a terrible design.
A third point is that, as someone else mentioned, the cars are now trained, not ‘programmed’ with instructions to follow.
As an addendum to that third point, the training data is us, quite literally.
Yeah, that makes sense. I was in SF a few months ago, and I was impressed with how the Waymos drove–not so much the driving quality (which seemed remarkably average) but how lifelike they drove. They still seemed generally safer than the human-driven cars.
Improving the ‘miles per collision’ is best at the big things.
Given the nature of reinforcement learning algorithms, this attitude actually works pretty well. Obviously, it’s not perfect, and the company should really program in some guardrails to override the decision algorithm if it makes an egregiously poor decision (like y’know, not stopping at crosswalks for pedestrians) but it’s actually not as bad or ghoulish as it sounds.
The thing I’m heartened by is that there is a fundamental misunderstanding of LLMs among the MBA/“leadership” group. They actually think these models are intelligent. I’ve heard people say, “Well, just ask the AI,” meaning asking ChatGPT. Anyone who actually does that and thinks they have a leg up are insane and kidding themselves. If they outsource their thinking and coding to an LLM, they might start getting ahead quickly, but they will then fall behind just as quickly because the quality will be middling at best. They don’t understand how to best use the technology, and they will end up hanging themselves with it.
At the end of the day, all AI is just stupid number tricks. They’re very fancy, impressive number tricks, but it’s just a number trick that just happens to be useful. Solely relying on AI will lead to the downfall of an organization.
Congratulations! Enjoy the journey! You’ll look back in a few years and wonder how you ever managed with a Windows set up while you slip into the comfy-ness of your customized system.
And their web apps are nearly unusable (especially with Firefox and its variants)
Admittedly, I use LibreOffice, and it works for almost all of my needs. However, I’ve never encountered the above issue, and the web versions have worked for me on Firefox. What’s your particular issue? The solution could be pretty simple; I have my user-agent string reporting Windows, and I’ve never had an issue. Maybe worth a try?
Changing the user agent shouldn’t work, but there’s a stupid amount of times that it does, and so I’ve just kept it permanent.
Yes! “AI” defined as only LLMs and the party trick applications is a bubble. AI in general has been around for decades and will only continue to grow.
This is why I believe scientists should be required to take liberal arts classes; especially related to written and spoken language.
And yes, I also think liberal arts students should be required to take some level of hard STEM classes (not watered-down “libarts-compatible” stuff, but actual physics, chemistry, biology, etc) as well.
Yes to both points! I’m eternally grateful to my high school AP English teachers for teaching me how to write and communicate.
My somewhat unpopular opinion is that we’d be better off as a society if everyone in college took “real” STEM and liberal arts classes. The STEM folks can understand the why and societal implications of what they study (as well as just communication), and the liberal arts types can learn a bit about how the world actually works in a concrete way.
Unfortunately, I’ve been continually struck by how incurious people are. I get that everyone has their interests, but that shouldn’t be to the exclusion of all other study. So, I don’t think this will happen. :/
Yeah, they’ll probably have to check everything. Though, I wonder if even just checking that everything is good to go would save time from manually re-writing it all. While it may not be a smashing success, it could still prove useful.
I dunno, I’m interested to see how this plays out.
Definitely. I do it for fun though. I’m kind of a masochist 😂