Dating is different for gay people? Since when? I’m gay and dating is a neverending slog of trying to find one decent functional adult in a sea of jackasses. How is this different?
I am a shitpost in human form: your mom loves me, mods fear me
Dating is different for gay people? Since when? I’m gay and dating is a neverending slog of trying to find one decent functional adult in a sea of jackasses. How is this different?
Yyyyyyeeeeaaahhhhhh no that doesn’t hold water. See, fetishizing animals is wrong, and I don’t know if you know this, but they also do that. A lot.
And I don’t know if you know this, but being the guy defending loli and shota still makes you a pedophile, just the same as being the guy defending fetishizing animals makes you a dogfucker.
It’s okay, I still forgive your stupidity.
Wow, that’s a lotta words. I have better shit to do than read an angry dogfuckers essay.
It doesn’t surprise me that a subset of people with lacking social skills who fetishize and fuck animals are proficient in a field that doesn’t require social skills. That’s just kind of how the chips fall when you don’t know how to socialize and date like a normal person, it’s that or they live out of their parents basement.
Again, it’s okay, I forgive your stupidity.
given where you seem to post, you.
it’s okay, I forgive your stupidity
y o i n k
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Removed by mod
Today I learned there’s someone out there who wants to learn sheepshaggerspeech
Brave new world, that
good heavens the amount of absolute degens in these comments is staggering
Oscar Mayer what the fuck have you done
Truthfully I can’t wait for Ghost in the Shell to become reality, but I sure as shit don’t want Musk and his bullshit to have any part in it.
It must be nice to be so naive and idealistic still, it’s cute. You go right ahead thinking that then, sport. :3
If you don’t think this is the behavior of shitheads, I’m very glad to not make your acquaintance.
I have this, you can buy a programmable LED sign off Amazon for a chunk of change ($150 for a decent sized one that’s bright enough for daylight use), stick it in your rear window, and then make your own custom messages to display. My favorite is “Move over” after passing someone on the right I’ve been stuck behind in the left lane for the past two miles.
Shitheads will be shitheads, what else is new?
Oh no, please continue defending the fetishization of animals like it doesn’t make you look like an animal fucker, it amuses me greatly. :D
See the reality is that jerking it to animals fucking is still jerking it to animals fucking, regardless of whatever fiction you like to tell yourself. See I really don’t care about that last part, the reality is yer still jerking off to animals. Which, again, not all that different from the pedophile who jerks it to loli and justifies it with “akshually she’s a 12000 year old goddess in the form of a 9 year old”. They’re still a pedophile. If you like your fiction you tell yourself to sleep at night, why, good for you champ! Your reality distortion field only covers you, though. Doesn’t mean I have to indulge it. c: