8 million people with a kernel level rootkit on their machines. WCGW?
8 million people with a kernel level rootkit on their machines. WCGW?
Airbnb is prohibiting the use of indoor security cameras in its listings globally…
Literally in the first line of the article.
Oh it’s very real. Microsoft is one of the absolute worst companies for amount of raw data they hoover up.
Don’t believe it? Try logging into the Outlook Web client with uBlock or uMatrix turned on and look at the number of requests it stops.
Genuinely curious, where does that number come from?
Same. And the mop is Ram
Ra-ra-ra-ra-robie? Is that a star ocean reference?
They pulled both bills due to backlash: https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3wkdg/fisa-surveillance-bill-congress-pulled.
Your voices do matter. Don’t ever drop your guard. Privacy will be a battle to stay vigilant over forever.
What is a misskey?
But everytime you try to use something else to itch it, you get a splinter instead
So what? People should stop trying for a better tomorrow because today sucks?
See there’s your problem. We can’t have all these better educated adults in a functioning society. They’ll become all liberal and ruin our perfectly established capitalism with their cries for a living wage or whatever peasants call for these days.
Valve just keeps landing these announcements lately. Seem to be one of the last companies left in the gaming world that gives a shit.
I think the take away is that the younger generations no longer believe this. It’s a dying sentiment.
UBI comes to mind.
What are you talking about? You’re entire scenario is based off someone(?) having enough coordinated firepower to sink not one, but two US carrier battle groups and then the US leaving them alone long enough for “powers to rise”? That isn’t realistic in this time period.
If anyone in the world attacked and sunk a single US carrier on purpose, one of two things immediately happen: A. That country is invaded with hellfire and massive destruction, or (in the case it was a super power who did it) B. World War 3.
Just like anything with technology though, there will be people in the other side too. Does that magic TV with a mind of it’s own have a USB port? If they take away the USB , they will have to add some way to maintenance it. There will always be a way to get at the kernel if you know what you’re doing.
Delete this before Nestle sees it.
Ya, that’s indeed a list of games to avoid if you care about security.