@DangerousInternet vivaldi is closed source though, brave I’ve found in my expirrence to be slow however do use their mobile browser. Fact is though V3 will become more prevalent as support for v2 drops from google it turns into a ticking time bomb. Overall relying on chromium is a ticking time bomb with all of googles web DRM bulshit.
Idk i just find chromium browsers to be slower and fear the all chrome future
@jackpot Then they ask what’s a bios? what’s a product key? how do boot from USB? there is huge details your missing maybe for a Linux native 15 minutes seams reasonable but my first install took maybe 45 mins, and I’m tech competent.
Also people will be asking how do they copy over their data already on windows. The other question for many is why would I want to? sadly the general population doesnt care about open source