saw this on mastodon just now…
enjoying my time here, floating around
saw this on mastodon just now…
says the troll
Ok so isn’t the issue at hand whether the sites are to blame?
let’s break this down so I can answer you in what I think is an honest way:
1 - this is for a court to decide. I’m not familiar enough with the very specifics of case law or with the suits being brought to know exactly what is being alleged, etc. I can’t opine on this other that to say that, from what I do know, it’s unlikely that a court would hold these sites legally responsible.
2 - I fully believe that, yes, sites like these, massive, general-use public sites have a social and moral responsibility to keep their platforms safe. How and what that means is a matter for much debate, and I’m sure people here will do just that.
3 - is there overlap? again, legally, I’m not sure, but there might be, and in the near future, there might be much more. also, should there be more? another subject for debate.
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Trump and his supporters complained that the 2016 election was rigged even after he won.
They’ll say anything to claim victimhood, most often when the opposite is true.
right, but “everybody” aren’t the ones committing mass shootings all the time. that’s an alt-right crazies problem.
I think this is more of an official acknowledgment and them exploring how it works, not so much “breaking news” for those of us in the know. I’d imagine most people are probably unaware of this.
yeah, but progressives and liberals and all other “crazies and normal people” aren’t the ones committing mass shootings all the time.
interesting… whether the sites will be found liable…. it’s pretty unlikely, but it sure does shine a spotlight on how each are magnets for alt-right crazies. I wonder if that will have any effect on their moderation?
I doubt it.
Ok, so you know you’re wrong
oh, the lies you tell yourself… how funny
Yes, you’re really smart and you’re crashing this online argument. Your logic is impeccable and your arguments are flawless. I give up, you win!
it’s sad this is the only way you can see the world. it explains your trolling.
Changing the subject now
why would I engage in a discussion with a troll, knowing full well you have no problem lying, twisting my words, and using very logical fallacy in the book?
I’m pretty sure you understand what we’re talking about here:
I’m pretty sure I see through your logical fallacies and am not buying your mental gymnastics to cover for them.
this isn’t about “winning” just because that’s how you see the world, although I would categorically say that you’ve lost. lost time, lost face, and certainly lost your mind if you think you’ve won anything here.
Or you’re not actually interested in the topic and are here only to do some light trolling?
says the troll, lmao
note the dates. it was forcibly annexed by a coup government
the facts don’t support your assertions. even if they did, it’s irrelevant because….
the later vote to join as a state took place well afterwards
just as I said and the facts I gave support. since 94% of people voted to become a state, no rational person would call it an “occupation”.
Well, this has been fun.
kinda supports my argument that you’re a troll if this is your idea of fun.
but I’ve wasted too much time on this conversation already, and I’d rather be spending it doing literally anything else.
if that were true, you wouldn’t have spent hours here trying to convince me of the weird things going on in your head.
In all seriousness though, I do hope you seek therapy. This level of toxic internet behavior really isn’t healthy.
at last, some self-reflection, even if it’s reflecting off of me…. (ya know, that projection thing you mentioned earlier…) also, best of luck with your dad!
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This one is just you.
then I suppose “paranoid delusion” is more appropriate.
Do you remember when he left you? Did he ever lay his hands on you or your mother? Other siblings? Remember, it’s not your fault he hit you. You’re not a bad person.
I’m sorry to hear of your troubled childhood
that’s some imagination you got there, lol
You’re the one calling them conspiracies
because I know what th word means. don’t fear knowledge, kid. knowledge is super!
I’m just making deductions based on observations, that’s all.
jumping straight tp paranoid conspiracy rather than considering that your trolling is unpopular isn’t what most would consider rational.
It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about your dad, it’s not your fault he wasn’t around when you were a child. What about the other kids in school? Did they bully you a lot? I’m getting a real “bullied as a child” impression from you, the way you keep lashing out on the internet like this.
I’m sorry that you really want to talk about your dad, but I’m not your therapist.
says the troll