Stuff that. We should all say “No” and make him go to his handlers in Russia for eggs.
Stuff that. We should all say “No” and make him go to his handlers in Russia for eggs.
We really need some good proper follow-up on that. Some hard proof but it’s really unsurprising if it’s true.
Please tell me every going on with American politics is some bored housewife spamming social media and the Kamala actually won and is doing an amazing job. Please!!
There’s no consumer protection agency anymore. I wonder why.
From what I’ve seen Tump’s peace talk strategy seem to be “talk to the bad guy (usually a friend of his), see what they want and give it to them without even hearing the other side”. I mean in the Russia/Ukraine conflict and Israel/Palestine, has he actually HEARD the other side?
Non-American here. My brother and dad STILL cling the the narrative of “He’s autistic, he was excited.” and nothing will disusde them from that.
"The removal of the second Black man to serve as America’s most senior general and the first woman to" …and there it is.
I can’t remember but who was it that had the contract to deorbit the ISS? Oh yeah, Spaz-X
I’m guessing he didn’t get a Valentine’s Day Card from Musk, he blamed it being ‘lost in the post’ (even through he didn’t send one because the love is all one-sided in that relationship) and The Grand High Orange One is destroying the post office out of spite.
TIL: Musk can’t do basic maths
Inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office, sounds like someone else we all know.
Hasn’t he suffered enough. I mean, he’s driving a ‘gold cybertruck’
Is this from The Great British Bake Off? Could well be from what they’ve done before.
So… More concentration camps?
How about how many black people were on the field playing? Were they okay with that, or are they just waiting for The Orange One’s comments on the subject?
You used to be able to say “It’s all about the oil” but in this case “It’s all about the eggs”
It’s like the double slit experiment but with coke
HR the department that equates your worth with a stapler. A resource that’s easily replaceable.
‘which is how he prefers to be identified’ … hmnnn - so he CHOOSES to IDENTIFY as one thing and doesn’t like it when people don’t allow him to use his preferred identificaiton?