I’ve watched for a while now, he’s a cool streamer.
I’ve watched for a while now, he’s a cool streamer.
Is it still a pile of hot garbage to use?
This site is amazing. Loads of sites for whatever you want
I can’t believe you paid for winrar
Ray tracing is cool but the screenshots in the video just destroy the atmosphere by making everything day bright.
Sounds like lawsuit territory
Papers doesn’t mean literal papers, it means the collection of information about you.
I better back up my books
That’s absolutely not true. They have your face which they can put a name on, they know which checkout you went to and everything you bought, if it’s on sale or not, if it’s within your usual purchase baseline, etc etc, all of which goes into their tracking system.
$30 was in the 90s, $60 in the mid late 00s
I love OP4, I led a clan for a couple years that played on OP4 servers
There isn’t a true seperation of church and state at this point. There are plenty of fundamentalist politicians, and churches and religious organizations donate (bribe) politicians as much as business orgs do. If they are going to donate to politicians they should be taxed.
There have been plenty of laws passed attempting to force xtians bullshit, it usually gets challenged and removed but it constantly happens.
If you’re picking shitty people it doesn’t make you look good, it makes you look like a shitty person for picking shitty people.
It’s so they can have a new Ciri focused Witcher series on Netflix
Charge them with hate speech.
They heavily hinted at 2025 release for switch2. You’d be nuts to buy a switch now.
It’s can also be used to block the bad guy from seeing the good guy. If you don’t know where to shoot, it’s hard to hit your target.
Good to know, thanks.
Every language includes animal language