you guys are getting citations?
you guys are getting citations?
that’s a good question: does a moving medium influence the speed of light?
What accursed imagery is this?!
people using such fonts deserve such great products.
What are actually complicated movies? (Not necessarily good, just complicated)
Hope it doesn’t sound arrogant when I say that I am the greatest man in the world.
This is somehow right in the uncanny valley for me, even without a face.
For me, it helps to have some time before work where you can get stuff done. Of course you need to go to bed earlier, which is the tricky part. So shifting part of the free time to the morning hours.
why did they have to be weird about it and include odor?
I recently saw the THE as an abbreviation. Yes, THE. Terrible to read but made for funny sentences.
Key advantage of a diagonal matrix is that all off-diagonal entries are zero, so yes, no crossover of functions (or basis elements).
But the functions may be as ugly as they please and there may be an infinite number of them.
Sometimes, you can reorient your problem such that a matrix or tensor has only diagonal entries, making it easier to handle.
For example by choosing new unit vectors or by changing the set of functions describing the problem (whatever is the thing that the matrix or tensor is tied to).
You guys are allowed to say novel?!
messege sounds like a sore loser :)
I invoke the axiom of choice and hope for the best. because if it doesn’t work we have bigger problems then 4 dead people
people will come back if the bloat/ad-trend of discord continues… hopefully?
That’s really ineffective suit
But I like procrastinating by spending too much time on the graphics
Yes I use it exactly for that.
gg = good game, sarcastic is this case no heals = blames the healers for not healing enough as the reason for the loss
the player tries to absolve themselves by blaming theirs teammates