Yeah agreed, it looks washed out, if you could alter the brightness and keep the darkness and suspense it’d be great.
Yeah agreed, it looks washed out, if you could alter the brightness and keep the darkness and suspense it’d be great.
Community bicycle
Renting. An inescapable financial burden.
Wait an actual Chiropractor? I’ve been seeing a Chrio for my back for years, in New Zealand that is, found them way better than physiotherapy.
I had hopes Lemmy would be at least able to look at absolute polar opposite points of view, and as much as they may grate or cause irritation, see the humanity in these differing opinions.
That aside, and please correct me in as civil way as possible, all I see is the auditing of the governments books, an accounting practice that every business should undertake. To date I see that its clearly obvious, as in the billions found thus far, that there is a clearly mismanagement of funds.
Why does this upset so many people?
What’s America’s obsession with womans reproductive system?
Good shit. Paid Bosh $40NZD for the adapter.
So it’s not because one is from Wellington and the other New York?
Ganja Farmer…
Nonsan? Honsan? Nonda?
In the trade industry here in New Zealand, we have a specific term for such a person, we generally refer to them as ‘cunt’
Well yeah it’s got its bugs but there are moments when, after a gun fight with random NPCs, I’m like well damn that was cool…
…so like other developed countries then?
What about the cobalt used in oil refineries desylpherisation?
Often use it, especially windows key + shit + B to clear the GPU
Just remember the 33 rules of zombie survival
Block of the Bockers; Return of the Blockings
Following on from the previous person’s travelling lifestyle and only working when they want to work, and work on things that they want to, I have children young children which makes it a little more difficult. However, there have been times in my life when I’ve just packed up, jumped in my vehicle and driven wherever. It’s very liberating.
This type of thinking may come from my near death accident 23 years ago or maybe it’s a personal trait that I’ve always had, don’t know. Personally speaking, believing in the system that’s presented to us from a very young age is not healthy for society or yourself, sometimes you just need to embrace the fear of uncertainty and go for it.
Was going to ask the same question, why not SpaceX? X/Twitter? Solar City? Easy target is Tesla sure but it’s only cars and they more cars in one day than you would buy in a lifetime. Secondly, it’s also pandering to the anti EV crowd and the oul oligarchs that control more than just the oil industry