An avid meme observer and Fediverse enthusiast.
Unless we’re talking about pets, funny enough.
Juu kyllä täällä ainakin joitain on. Itse aloin lajittelemaan kaikki syötteet uusimmat ensin jo ekan päivän aikana, niin en ole tuohon ongelmaan törmännyt. Kannattaa tehdä sama ellet vielä ole.
Internetin kuolemasta; ei se kaiketi ihan vielä kupsahtanut ole. Pitänee odottaa kunnes Youtuben uusista videoista ei löydy muuta kuin AI:n tekemää.
I remember reading so many of these as a kid. I had completely forgotten about these. A nice surprise in my feed.
I never really learned this skill. I can just lie down in bed all day doing nothing (apart from thinking), and not get bored. This trait is not very beneficial for productivity…
A soul eater trying to explain how what they are doing isn’t really any different from the humans hunting and eating other animals.
I know at least Firefox and Signal do the same. I don’t see why it should be changed, since pinching and double tapping are also supported. Although, the zoom on double tap is indeed way too strong.
I’ve been carrying a lute I found in a cave for weeks now, still haven’t found out who it belongs to, or to what quest. I refuse to look it up though, I’ll search the entire Skyrim, if that’s what it takes.
The moment you get rid of the phone, you start turning into a sheep? Better hold onto mine then, I suppose.
Not happy, just relieved. The duck has been dining on human flesh all morning.
The annoying part seems to be that every now and then life still manages to find a way to make me invested in and stressed over something.
Why, it was just yesterday when I… oh, come to think of it, that was nearly a decade ago. Huh.
My cat: “You are a heated bed for me to nap on. If you even think about getting up, I will murder you.”
2h after sunset, eh? In summer when the sun doesn’t set, all my negative thoughts shall be valid! Woooo! (that’s actually some good advice you’re giving though)
Sama. Eipä sitä erityisesti huvitakaan päivystää puhelinta koko päivää. Jos joku haluaa soittaa, niin sopikoon ajan etukäteen. Ärsyttää väki, joka olettaa että kaikki ovat vuorokauden ympäri välittömästi tavoitettavissa.
In general and if you don’t know the person you’re making the recommendation to, agreed. But I know several people I’d definitely recommend (and have recommended) Arch to as the first distro. Even just the installation process is so educational, it’s a worthy starting point, after some general youtube videos perhaps. If someone just wants to take Linux for a quick test drive, Arch definitely isn’t the way to go.
Although, I’ll admit I’m not sure how to describe the type of people I’d recommend it to. If their interest is less practical, and more theoretical. Or if they get really into their hobbies and like to tinker and poke at things to see what happens. Or if they just have an endless curiosity and need to understand. Surprisingly many people I know fall into these categories.
That was pretty much me when I first decided to try installing Arch… at 2am.
This whole “mixed reality experience” thing has me curious: do any of you just add imaginary images to your surroundings in your mind? Just by visualizing?
For example, I have several paintings on my walls that aren’t real, but look to me as if they were. I switch them up depending on mood, or just turn them off. Or just basic stuff like having words and numbers floating in front of me as an aid when doing math or planning?
Just leaving this here in case anyone is interested. A dozenal clock! Day (24h) divided to twelve parts divided to twelve parts, etc.
Sadly I’ve yet to unlock this ability. One day I too shall become fun and whimsical.