Fire Emblem supports peaked with FE8\FE9, few are stand outs in FE6 and FE7.
After FE9, supports became even worse than before (FE10 is full of generic “how are you”, “let us fight together”, “yes we are comrade”, FE11 has none, FE12 has very few good ones such as Arran’s (very tragic character that was not explored enough), FE13\14\15\16\17 is post 2013 generic anime tropes galore)
That is because in this video, the original chiptune music has been muted and replaced with its Original Soundtrack Edition version, which is not chiptune but imitates PS1 music
I just wanted to know what kind of sound chip Motoi Sakuraba, VP series and Star Ocean series main composer used to produce the Original Soundtrack Version theme you hear into the video.
I have tried looking for information about that everywhere, but not even chat-gpt 4, which uses the web as an warehouse of data, could tell me anything (and gpt4 can answer about very niche stuff easily)
Yeah thanks I edited the video title to be closer to reality.
Pc only, sorry.
It helps that Hank Hill has a pleasing accent and tone to listen to, it lends the voice well to country music
Changelog is there :)
I rectified the link into the post (somehow I linked a picture lol)
What are police forces for then lol
Ending A on 1st playthrough is brutal indeed
Very sad if true.
What about the intrinsic quality of the broadcast programs? Shit stays shit even at 8k resolution
Well, the western version of Tik Tik could be deemed as a cyber weapon, because it is the only version of Tik Tok that promotes crap!
Masterful game and excellent follow-up, for real conoisseurs only!
This is a prequel to the first one, it is much more frantic when it is battle time, very addicting.
Forseti’s Cut:
New Theory Of Thracia 776:
There is one very easy solution: toggle-ready voice acting, so that if one played the games already, they can keep having their canon voices play in their mind as they read the characters dialogues.
Well, voice acting can be very cost-effective if high-quality models are used for tertiary characters, for instance, such as “generic soldier #2” and the likes.