Who is the author? I couldn’t find anyone through the ‘MERLAND’ signature
Oh that’s a good explanation for four twists. It sounds pretty likely that this was factored into the design.
Interesting. Their proposed stelaris reactor only has four twists in it though if I interpret the Plasma’s shape as shown in their paper correctly.
It could be due to the generators much larger size but that’s just a hobbyist’s guesswork. Here a comparison of the height of one coil to other reactors and a human:
I’m not sure yet how much they are exaggerating with their capabilities and the reactors feasibility since I’m not a physicists and my only trust towards them stems from them working with the Max plank institute. But I hope it’s solid work. I’m looking forward to the reactions from other physicists to the plan though.
Some days you just need neutrons to smash you hard enough to produce tritium.
I think that’s a functionality that would better be integrated into the client’s. Idk if there are any out there already that can do it though. As someone who didn’t use the bot on reddit I felt it was kind of annoying on reddit to always have two or more of the top comments be completely unrelated to the subject. It felt like spam
Accept defeat in an online argument challenge. 99.999% fail. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE
Edit: just realised the meme called all book banners not good guys instead of bad guys. And I agree the Bavarian government are definitely not good guys. Still left the original reply for ceomleteness’ sake even though it’s based on a wrong premise.
I agree that it should not be banned. However this one mistake isn’t enough to label the people who banned it as bad guys. Overall the people who banned it, namely the Bavarian government, did an OK job at managing their state. They are conservative to be sure and passed a bunch of other bad legislation but not enough to make them bad guys. I associate bad guys with movie villains and while there are governments around the world that are on that level the Bavarian government isn’t amongst them.
The people who banned Mein Kampf were
Edit: I’ve since reevaluated what good guys means and now disagree with my own statement
What is the name of the contraption on the left? Looks like a perperpetual motion machine but I’d like to learn more about it.
At the end of the day yes. But it’d also be good start if normal Americans realised that american millionaires aren’t part of their community and don’t represent them. And the rich guys know that they’r a seperate group with different common interests. But they still claim to be American and that their goal is to make America great again.
That’s why it’s a bad category. The average american worker has more in common with a French worker than with an american millionaire.
Non native English speaker. When I was a kid I thought he said hotel room not old town road for a while. And I didn’t even think it was meant sexualy but just some weird lyrics I didn’t get.
Black and white I geht. But Brown an magenta?
“In two months time we will have pressed Hitler so hard into a corner, that he will squeak!” - Franz von Papen (Centre party) 1933 In “The last Resort. About the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor”
Hawks eat meat cause they have to. WE eat meat cause it’s delicious. The Hawks dies if there are too many Hawks in one feeding ground. The human fucks up his and everyone elses Habitat for centurys cause he’s too lazy to change.
Also in germany in my experience. It often but not exclusively comes up when people talk about the history of the formation of Israel. And also to differentiate between Jews that think there should be a Jewish state and those that think there shouldn’t.
I can. It’s very doable. And I think she wouldn’t want to be sexulized all the time
Depends. If your dick is made oft neutrons you can stick it it in the liquid Lead-Lithium mixture and produce Tritium. It would probably even be apreciated by the researchers since your making fuel for the fusion reactor. If its a normal dick I’d not recommend it though since it can be highly toxic. As to where to find it I have to disiapoint you. The reactor currently still being desinged.