German here, I also google unknown phone numbers first if they are mobile phone numbers. My business phone number is in the imprint of every website I make due to legal reasons, so I receive around 1-2 spam calls per week.
German here, I also google unknown phone numbers first if they are mobile phone numbers. My business phone number is in the imprint of every website I make due to legal reasons, so I receive around 1-2 spam calls per week.
I‘m was using two old servers with folding@home running as space heaters in the winter. I got them for dirt cheap and thought if I convert electricity into heat, I might as well do something good with it. Also nice opportunity to run a minecraft server for the kids during that time.
I‘m was using two old servers with folding@home running as space heaters in the winter. I got them for dirt cheap and thought if I convert electricity into heat, I might as well do something good with it. Also nice opportunity to run a minecraft server for the kids during that time.
Ich hab auch den Cash geleert aus meinem Geldbeutel.
Zu meinem Bruder hatte einer während seiner Zivi-Zeit gesagt „Ein echter Mann geht zum Bund“. Dessen beiden Söhne haben sich ein paar Jahre später mit ärztlichem Attest ausmustern lassen und auch keinen Zivi gemacht. Da war das plötzlich in Ordnung.
Hats geklappt?
If this site can be trusted, BG3 has about 90 Million users in total. With the game not being on sale for less than 53€ if we use that price as our baseline and remove the 30% that steam takes, they would be around 3.3 Billion euro in revenue. With 450 employees, investors like tencent and previous games financing a large chunk of early development, and a marketing budget of a few million euros, I assume that after taxes they still have at least 1 billion in money leftover, probably more.
Granted, thats not quite the 2 billion that you mentioned D&D is worth, but putting Larian into the “millions” category is underselling them quite a bit and if tencent as their biggest investor backs the idea and pumps money into it, I wouldn’t be suprised if they could come up with the money somehow. Wouldnt be the first time that a company takes on a lot of debt to aquire a valuable asset for them to pay off through the estimated revenue in the upcoming years. The possible ROI for Larian would be way larger than for many other companies just based on the current success of BG3.
Impossible Film also took over the Polaroid IPO in a similiar way. And Porsche nearly took over VW even though they were a way smaller player before VW aquired them.
I just wish that Larian Studios would buy it. They could save their licensing fees for BG3 and could keep DnD community driven. Would also make it much easier for them to introduce new game mechanics into future games and pull those changes back into DnD.
Edit: I just read that tencent owns 30% shares of Larian which is kind of a bummer. Still would be much better with Larian directly, because tencent doesnt have a majority say then.
Luckily, the kids in Bangladesh don’t believe in Demons, thats why buying new is so important!
I‘m just waiting on the release of the german X-Bus. A modular 600kg vehicle that counts as a quad and can be used as a bus/transporter/pickup/camper and recharges 30-50km of range a day through solar energy on the roof for under 20k€ is exactly what I want from an EV. I don’t need a 50k price tag with shiny smart features.
When you accidentally open a photo in photoshop instead of the default photo viewer
Nur noch zwei Tage arbeiten bis Wochenanfang!
Its basically bugfixes for specific games through proton. Different fames need different fixes, so you cant just make a general fix for some bugs if they only exist in one game. The new launcher promises to make one database for those fixes where all the launchers can fetch their data from instead of everyone having to do their own thing and having to fix each game separately.
I just used their Feedback form to tell them what a shitty practice that is and that I will never use their products again.
Solange die CDU mit Merz noch Öl ins Feuer gießt und noch weiter am rechten Rand fischt sehe ich da leider schwarz (und braun-blau). Die Hetze gegen unsere aktuelle Regierung ist schon grenzwertig. Damit hat die CDU nur noch mehr Menschen ins rechte Lager getrieben.
If its an overlay on the screen itself and not on the computer-side, theres just no way to detect it, as the ocerlay is not there when the image leaves the graphics card. Thats at least what the article describes.
The only way to prevent players from using this would be to exclude players using this specific monitor alltogether, regardless if they are having this function activated or not.
The new generation doesn’t use this bad design anymore. The Dyson Airblade V is just a box with two sharp edges that blows the water right onto your pants and the Airblade Wash+Dry works in a similiar way with a little bit sleeker design. Both of them have hepa filters too, so from a hygienic standpoint they are much better than their old airblades and the clones that filled the market.
As someone regularly using Arch, Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows I agree.
The advances Linux has made, especially in the last few years is just amazing. I can run the majority of my games through Proton, there are even some preconfigured packages with Illustrator and Photoshop CC that Adobe doesn‘t seem to care about at all.