And this is how I found out The Peripheral was cancelled 😭
Stay strong
And this is how I found out The Peripheral was cancelled 😭
Stay strong
You could say that about any pet snake really, but as long as you’re a good snake owner it’s not a big risk. They eat once every week or two on a schedule and the general rule of thumb is don’t cuddle with them when it’s feeding day. Feed them in a special container that’s only association and purpose is feeding.
After a bit of that they catch on and you can dangle your hand in their face all you want. They’ll understand you are the food source and not a threat. Then you get to chill with them, since they are cold blooded they like cuddlinga with your warmth quite a bit. It’s another rule of safety just don’t let them get a coil around something like a leg or what have you.
Snakes are cool pets just pretty high maintenance. I could see this snake being even more lazy since it’s so big, but moving it has to be a two man job.
I’m sure too people will be like “oh but you played 40 hours! It can’t be that bad” but the first 10-15 are misery from a gameplay perspective, like you’re just trying to level up to get more carrying capacity and get more combat options.
I got an uno reverse sticker (Etsy), and it’s just endless compliments lol. Like to the point I’m like “I know I know” but the initial confusion on people is still hilarious. Like “did this mf really just hand me an uno reverse?”
Going off the Twitter profile picture and nothing else, I’m guessing this is a self post. Because what a wild ass thing to suggest. Normal humans assume keys or coins.
“Make fun of me and my chastity cage please!”
Eu salivating over it’s monoply case
How’s it hidden? You to to the default app settings…
Or just install another browser and they’ll walk you through it.
I find Windows way more egregious, it will allow you to set it but not really, half of anything you do will open edge and then they’ll occasionally reset your default browser with bugger updates.
I was interested at first but then slowly came in the freedom of speech stuff.
Sounds like another truth social, rumble bullshit thing. “Don’t worry if your favorite Nazi gets deplatformed we got their back! Now you’ll see they moved to Rumble.” Depending on their discovery it’ll be a cesspit in no time.
Dafuq is ‘flan cake’?
If the Dasher is standing in line at Starbucks waiting for an answer that makes it 10x worse lol
“that’s a lot of choices”
Stfu and pick one. You sitting there having a casual conversation on your couch. Meanwhile the driver just standing there in the milk aisle staring at their phone for 5 minutes while you want to know all the options and hem and haw.
This happens so many times. I’m a pretty firm believer in walking away for 15 minutes is a crucial part of the debugging process. It’s just hard sometimes to know when to stop and stop trying shit for a bit.
Also rubber duck debugging, I’ll talk to my dog but fuck it works so many times. Shes helpful.
Have you watched the show or just seen clips? He really doesn’t go off on them that much. And when he does usually it’s very deserved. Like he does not stand for deplorable conditions and mistreatment of staff. Like if he finds out an owner isn’t taking good care of their staff he makes sure they know its not okay.
But genuinely 3/4ths of an episode is him trying to help them improve with genuine empathy and understanding. He comes in, points out whats wrong with some gusto for the clips and then is like “hey so what’s going on? I’m sure you weren’t always this disconnected from what’s going on” and works with them to solve their issues which is usually more attitude and just like some guidance. Usually to they do a top to bottom cleaning and organizing of the restaurant for them.
Obviously you’ll hear more about the very rare episodes where they have the most famous chef in the world giving them advice and they just won’t hear it. Like people quote Amys Bakery because the owners flipped out at him pointing out raw pastries kept leaving the kitchen and then getting all shitty when he’s like don’t steal waiters tips.
It’s like the newest episode is him helping a family business out where the brothers weren’t even talking and the parents had to help instead of retire. He got the brothers to work together, remodeled the entire kitchen for them, held a make wish charity event at their grand opening on his dime, and did a bunch of training. It even had a 2 month check in where it was doing much better. But I’m sure you’ll only see a tiktok clip from when he found a box of raw chicken that made the whole crew throw up and he’s like “what the fuck?!” Which yeah, what the fuck? And this was a restaurant that had been health inspected recently. If anything it makes you loose faith in health inspectors. Idk wtf they are doing
Sent back for breaking defect.
Here’s the 17 steps to repro…
They lie about seeders though which is mad annoying. Like they add a minimum of 20 to everything
There’s a general sense of you should try to ethically pirate. Like no one cares if you shoplift from Walmart, but you’re a dick doing it to the local mom and pop grocery store who’s barely getting by.
On a more selfish level, paying for the things you enjoy shows whoever made it they’ll get money for it. Simple as that. If you really enjoy something stealing it isn’t going to convince them to make more. There’s been more than once where a game or show got pirated more than bought legally and it’s killed any future projects for it.
How is two taps, the second needing to be precise less movement than one general swipe?
I’m pro net neutrality and all for getting it on the books.
But has any company broken net neutrality since it was repealed? I haven’t seen some of the stuff we expected. Maybe they wanted to lay low on it but like Comcast hasn’t restricted Netflix and pushed out 10x for Peacock stream or anything. I’m sure some stuff would go down eventually. But curious if this has happened
Probably going to work. Just another company trying to wring money from their user base since they can’t reasonably grow. So many people were like “oh I’m cancelling Netflix if I can’t share it” and then it was record sign ups for them and overall more money.
They are doing this right before The Boys comes back on and somewhat during Invincibles part 2 airing. People will be annoyed and pay the upcharge.
And like me pirating those still won’t change much since I already was.