Imo I don’t think the goal is/should be “every part is repairable by any average person without tools” tbh. Like that would be awesome but it also isn’t realistic, like you said phones are super complicated. But making simple repairs – stuff like swapping a battery – possible for anybody is realistic imo, and then the rest should be as easy to repair as possible for local shops or someone who does have the necessary skills and equipment. At least personally I feel like that’s a good spot to aim for.
Youtube is the one google service I still can’t give up lol. PeerTube is awesome, but long-form video platforms feel like they suffer from a lack of content way more than any other social media imo. At least there’s newpipe for the time being (except whenever google changes something to screw with them).
Have you tried organic maps as a google maps replacement at all? I’ve been using it for a while now and honestly it works extremely well most of the time.