Nice work pulling this. Informative!
The FBI will never reveal if they can or cannot deanonymise someone or Tor
Nice work pulling this. Informative!
The FBI will never reveal if they can or cannot deanonymise someone or Tor
Fascinating read. Thank you for sharing!
Hi! I want to be better informed, and looking at the link investigate.afsc it says
As far as we know, HP Inc is no longer involved in these activities.
I think when people refer to HP (HPQ) they think of ‘Hewlett Packard’, and therefore take the name to also mean Hewlett Packard Enterprise (“HPE”) but those appear to be two different things.
What I can summize is that HP build the teck prior to the split, which is now used by EntServ and DXC not part of HP. HP built a R&D center
It looks like the company continuously split and sold parts of it to get away from that legacy. By not demonstrating how they are not involved this shows a level of complicity.
If we start to look at the people in the companies, this will start to paint a different picture - Antonio Neri who is the President and CEO of HPE has been with HP since 1995. In 1997 he was ‘global director of HP’s imaging and printing services division’. In 2004 the company’s ‘PC services business’, then began ‘heading the technology services business’ in 2011. I wonder how he personally was involved in the things HP did during his time in these roles.
I had it today, I was with a friend and they got a notification “Hey! Youre quite close to us, come and have some food!”. I shudder to think the picture that is painted just by being in proximity to people that have zero regard for their data.
Interesting tall portugal
I’m worried for the day when they say “yes, so what?”
Isn’t enby closed source? Thats why Jellfyfin was created.
How is the general perception of emby? They’re closed source and US based.
I get murder suicided
Also Mozilla: “You’re not ‘buying data’ as most people understand the term. You’re exchanging information for currency or other services.”
Its not the nuts/oats but an (emulsifier?) additive they use in all of them. Actual coconut milk/cream is fine but not from a carton as ‘milk’.
I do, its the only way.
Though coffee shops are getting smarter and making it with oat milk… without letting people know. Now I know why you tell anyone and everyone about your allergies.
I am allergic to all of them :(
Someone else wrote your documentation?
Organic maps is so good
You are not wrong. China also uses much more energy than the EU overall, and has a much larger population as it industrializes. China has more than x3 the population but is building 4.5 times solar and wind. Reducing the amount of consumer goods the EU imports from China which they need energy to make can have a big impact on China pollution.
Where are we putting all this CO2?
The EU as a whole stopped with coal quite a while ago (except poland, where it accounts for 40% of energy) and mostly relies on oil and gas. Around 69% all energy in the EU was produced from coal (14%), oil (32%) and gas (25%), with a 4.5% reduction in total energy due to the decrease of oil/gas from Russia. (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Energy_statistics_-_an_overview; https://www.iea.org/regions/europe filtered by EU27 member countries)
61% of China’s energy was coal, 18% was oil, and 8% was gas in the same time period or 77% in total. (https://www.iea.org/countries/china/energy-mix)
In 2024, China added 356 GW of wind and solar capacity – 4.5 times the EUʼs.
China has ways to go in bringing down its coal, but it is far outpacing the EU when adding new solar and wind capacity.
Build h(a)drians wall!