He/Him or They/Them

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Astroturfing is when there is a disingenuous coordinated campaign with a goal in mind. This post is specifically against not voting or voting third party, and you came here to complain about seeing too many things like this post. If your complaint was about seeing too many voting / politics memes in general, I imagine you would recognize what sub this is and what month it is.

    I don’t believe you would be calling an abundance of voting related memes in a political memes sub this close to an election with no goal in mind “astroturfing” unless you didn’t know what the word meant. The obvious implication is that you believe there is a disingenuous coordinated campaign against voting third party or not voting. My point is that there doesn’t have to be. It’s more likely that many people, myself included, agree with the message of the political meme in the politics sub, and probably more than normal since we are so close to the election.

  • No, it’s just fun to call people with harmfully stupid opinions words that correctly describe their mental state.

    No, people like you are beyond convincing with reason, as you never reasoned your way into your position. It’s cathartic. And hopefully someone less brain damaged will see how incredibly dumb and dangerous your opinions are.

  • Yes, remember to let the trolley roll over the most people because doing something to save lives is identical to endorsing the trolley’s action that could be prevented.

    And again, everyone knows it’s impossible to do two things, we can only choose to complain about the trolley or make it harm fewer people, not both!

  • Ahh yes, because a wall is the same as military camps for immigrants. Sending troops to go door to door to arrest millions the same as a wall that hasn’t done anything!

    I don’t know why you seem incapable of seeing that two bad things can be unequally bad. Speeding and murder are both wrong, but one of them is way worse. A Harris admin who makes legal crossing more difficult is not good, but better than a Trump admin making concentration camps.

    You will be responsible for the camps and the trans genocide because you are incapable of doing the bare minimum to stop it. All the while pretending that taking no action means you also take no moral responsibility. You don’t. You have the power to make those bad outcomes less likely and you are actively choosing to do nothing.

  • Of course, because obviously the lives of American trans people are less important than your feeling of self-righteousness at not voting. Let’s let the trolley roll over trans people here and abroad! That’s definitely better than at least saving one of them with the little power we have!

  • Yes of course. They will definitely get the same outcome whether Trump or Harris wins. Trump totally wouldn’t do things Harris wouldn’t to make the lives of immigrants and trans people worse. After all, they both support military camps for immigrants and bans on trans healthcare, right?

  • I don’t imply they only exist under Trump, I specifically said that even if they stayed the same under Harris that would be better than allowing Trump to make them worse. If you don’t see that Trump has been saying he will make the lives of immigrants and trans people worse if he had the power I can’t help you. Maybe open your fucking eyes. At least Harris isn’t advocating for banning medical care for trans folks or using the military to round up immigrants and hold them in military camps.

    Thanks to Harris, abortion rights have been preserved in America? There was no meaningful* change under her administration?

    Jesus Christ dude, learn how to read. We already covered this. Harris doesn’t have an administration, she is part of Biden’s. Things got worse because of actions Trump took while he was in office. Remember the part about taking a civics class to leave about SC appointments and the filibuster? Again, even if she doesn’t make abortion access better, that’s objectively better than allowing Trump to institute a nation ban.

    Why are you desperate to make this personal and attack me rather than stay on topic?

    Porque no los dos? I’m attacking your dipshit opinions and your actions of choosing to not vote and allow trump to win and make the lives of everyone worse.

    Why are you desperate to discuss Trump instead of Harris?

    We’ve talking about both this whole time, you just want to pretend that allowing Trump to will is totally separate from voting for Harris. There are only two outcomes here, Trump wins and makes things worse, or Harris wins and she doesn’t.

  • Yes, it’s totally a strawman. You definitely don’t think that we should not pull the lever and instead question why the trolley exists. That’s definitely not what your original comment said. Because those two are mutually exclusive anyway. We can only ever do one thing, like question the existence of the trolley or pull the lever to save more lives. It’s definitely not possible to vote to keep things from getting worse while also working the other 364 days to dismantle the trolley.

  • I love that you cut off the quote mid sentence, conveniently leaving out the part that would have answered your dumbass question. No improvement to abortion access is objectively better than working to make things worse. If those are the only two options, we all have a moral obligation to keep things from getting worse.

    You’re the one who implied it was the Dems fault because it happened while they were in power. Harris isn’t president and so couldn’t have done anything either way for abortion. But she certainly hasn’t made them worse and is not in favor of making abortion access more difficult. Trump, on the other hand, will actively work to make them worse.

    I’m sorry, what is Harris’ stated position in BLM vs Trump’s? Which one of them said “please don’t be too nice” to them while talking to cops about suspects? Which one of them sent DHS to black-bag protestors during BLM again?

  • “I don’t have any moral responsibility because I believe the trolley shouldn’t exist in the first place.” Totally nuanced and not completely missing the point of the analogy at all. If only everyone knew we could just magically make the trolley disappear we could have skipped over the decades of philosophy written about the trolley problem because the solution is so easy!

  • A trolley problem format meme depicts the genocide of Palestinians on one track and the false equivalence of genocide to LGBT, BLM, and abortion on the other track.

    It’s not a false equivalence, there is no equivalence argued for in the meme. It points out that genocide in Gaza will happen on either track, but only one of them will actively make things worse for other groups I care about also. It’s not calling them equivalent, in fact it’s arguing they are not equivalent which is why we have a moral obligation to keep It off the track with more people on it. At best, the outcome for Gaza is equivalent, but the outcome for others is not.

    Who says it’s not getting worse?

    Are you delusional enough to think that Trump and Harris will have identical outcomes for the other groups listed? Even if Harris doesn’t “fix” those issues, preventing them from getting worse is better than allowing them to get worse. No improvement on abortion access is objectively better than a national abortion ban or anything else Trump (or really, the Heritage Foundation) wants.

    I should explain why Democrats who endorse a genocide of brown people might be bad on BLM??

    Ah yes, because Harris isn’t as anti genocide as we want, it’s totally logical to assume she would be in favor of black people dying more at the hands of police. Yes, that totally follows. And definitely the best option to improve policing is to let Trump be in charge. He will totally not work to make things worse.

  • And your solution is… to let the trolley roll over them anyway while feeling morally superior. Unless you have some plan of removing the trolley before January, you are choosing to let it crush them anyway. Choosing to not vote or pull the lever is also a choice that you will have to live with and one that requires moral justification.

  • Does it? Is “fixed” the only bar that matters, or is “better” not still valuable? What about simply “not actively getting worse”? Is there no value in taking the smallest of steps to keep things from getting actively worse, or even attempting to stop them from getting worse? Does that prevent you from taking bigger steps to work for a better world? Do you think unions, mass protests, and other means of systemic change will magically be easier under Hitler 2.0 than a Dem?

    You’ve asked this other question like 4 times in this thread so far, you must really think it’s a gotcha.

    Let’s imagine for a second that Harris and Trump are indistinguishable on the question of Gaza (they aren’t, but let’s pretend your fantasy reality exists for a moment). That would mean that any choice results in the same outcome. That makes that question a wash. Choosing to vote for Harris, Trump, or not vote all have the same outcome on that front. But what about the other issues that matter to people? Should we let abortion access get more difficult in the meantime? Should we let the party that doesn’t believe there are any issues with policing into power over the one that admits there’s an issue but hasn’t fixed it yet?

    Your question is incredibly dumb, not only because you seem to think that something happening while X party is in power means that X party is responsible (someone never took a civics class and learned about SC appointments or the filibuster) but because it’s entirely possible for a party to be good on one issue and bad on another. The Dem establishment is wrong about Gaza, what the hell does that have to do with abortion? Why would they be bad on abortion and BLM just because they are bad on this issue?

  • your version of “pacifism” is completely meaningless, and that by your standards, you could still call yourself a pacifist while taking any side in any conflict.

    Hey buddy, I’m not a pacifist. Never claimed to be one. I also never provided a personal definition of pacifism. You are the one who said that the encyclopedia of philosophy must be wrong in their definition because you don’t like it. You are the one trying to condense a topic of much discussion for thousands of years into a black and white “for or against violence in all forms” kind of pacifism. If you don’t like the definition, take it up with the people who wrote them and the people who have argued over the specifics for thousands of years. Once again, someone is not not a pacifist simply because you don’t agree with their definition. Your definition of pacifism is identical to appeasement.

    Your definition of pacifism is indeed meaningless, manipulative, and self-aggrandizing, intending to steal valor from the association with people who actually stand by their strongly held moral convictions against violence.

    Lol. Yes, listening to the people who believe a thing and explaining how it’s complicated to an outsider intent on painting it in black and white terms is totally stolen valor. Jesus Christ dude, get over yourself. You’re not a vanguard. Just because you want appeasement in this conflict doesn’t mean anyone else should give a shit about your opinions, especially considering that you didn’t even know there was debate about this among pacifists until today. You don’t get to define that term for them.

    yOu KnOw YoUr PrEvIoUs CoMmEnTs ArE sTiLl ViSiBlE, rIgHt?" God you people can be insufferable. I stand by everything I said in my previous comments, none of which in any way contracts what I’m saying.

    Ya, it’s totally me that’s been an insufferable cunt this whole conversation. Definitely. And you totally didn’t say “I’m a communist” or “I look to Lenin” in your previous comments. Got it.

    How on earth does being a communist and referencing Lenin have anything to do with the positions you invented for me?

    Oh ya, it’s totally a coincidence that you have been shilling for Russia this whole conversation, identified as a communist, referenced Lenin as an authority, and said Ukraine should “seek peace.” Totally unrelated things that definitely have no connection whatsoever. You think I was born yesterday? You think this is the first time I’ve interacted with a tankie too chicken-shit to say their true opinions?

    Look I’ll show you what it looks like to have conviction in your opinions:

    People like you are a plague on the movement to make a better world. Your insistence on providing support and cover for totalitarian ass-holes with red paint makes it impossible for anyone to take actual socialists and communists seriously. Your defense of genocide and war crimes shows the rest of the world that people like you don’t actually want a better world, you want one where American doesn’t exist, even if every civilian on earth had a worse quality of life. You make actual change impossible by pretending that you will one day have enough influence for “the revolution” while doing shit-all to actually make things better in the mean time. You reject democracy and anything that would help people now and are somehow delusional enough to think that if we let people get fucked over enough we will have our “revolution” in a way that totally wouldn’t result in far worse outcomes for everyone. You are larping and it hurts the people who actually give a shit about making things better now on the road to making them even better later. You are the reason that our movement is forever chained around the neck to the failures of the past. Men who claimed to want to support the workers of the world while killing and disappearing anyone who got in the way of their personal pursuit of power.

    Again, putting words in my mouth, inventing positions whole cloth based on nothing and assigning them to me. You sure like assigning things to people just so long as they don’t happen to be phrased as labels, huh?

    What the fuck did you mean by “Russia should seek peace” then? If they want peace they can fuck off! They don’t need to seek anything, they need to get fucked. By painting both sides of this as equally needing to “seek peace” you are creating the image that they are morally equal. Combine that with your weak-ass attempt at what-abouting the Donbas shows me all I need to know.

    Obviously not. I’ve stated my positions numerous times. I even offered to explain the theoretical influences behind my positions. This time, you’re taking words out of my mouth lmao. I guess that’s a nice change of pace.

    No one cares about the “theoretical influences” of your opinions. You’ve been “just asking questions” while defending Russia and claiming Ukraine should stop defending itself. Constantly trying to act like both parties are equally wrong and both should just stop fighting the other. One party started this war by invading the other. One party has been documented kidnapping, raping, and killing civilians. One party has had to make mass graves. One party has been condemned by practically every other country for their abhorrent actions in this war, the other hasn’t.

  • You seem to think that I don’t understand that language is mutable and collectively defined.

    You literally still don’t get it. It’s not that it can change and is collectively defined, it’s that language is entirely defined by the meanings used by the specific members of the conversation. General uses and society at large have nothing to do with it.

    What I also understand is that language can be used as a tool of manipulation.

    Ahhh ok. So you think it’s manipulative to use a word like pacifism if they don’t use it the way you, a person who isn’t a pacifist and has apparently never looked up the definition or works discussing it before, define it. Got it. Good to know your intuition about what a word means is the gold standard of what other people can do without being manipulative.

    You literally made everything up whole cloth, and the positions you made up for me were obviously absurd and incoherent.

    Oh, so you didn’t say any of those things? You didn’t say you were a communist? You didn’t reference Lenin? Are you trying to say that you haven’t been excusing Russia’s actions (like talking about “Ukraine bombing civilians in the Donbas” ) and trying to argue against Ukraine’s? You know your previous comments are still visible, right?

    Are you saying you don’t support Russia?

    No, they should seek peace.

    That Ukraine should continue to fight against their invaders?

    No, they should seek peace.

    Of course not!


    I love that you think that using the same words would imply that you think they are on equal footing. They aren’t. If Ukraine wants peace, they will continue to fight for peace. What you really mean is that they should capitulate so that Russia gets to keep the land they stole and rule over the citizens they haven’t raped, kidnapped or killed yet. If Russia wants peace they can fuck off back to their own country. I love that you somehow think that both are equally wrong in a situation where one autocratic government invaded a democratic neighbor and continues to attempt to steal land and rape and murder civilians.

    Just man-up and state your positions with gusto.

    I have. The “secret positions” that I’m supposedly hiding are entirely your invention

    Cool. So we’re just going back to pretending that you’ve been commenting on this thread for hours because you really have no opinions whatsoever. You were just asking questions! Good to see you upholding the long-standing tradition of Nazi apologists and MLs alike of hiding your true positions because you’re incapable of defending them!

  • As long as we both understand the definitions being used there is no issue here. Again, you seem to think that words have objective meaning and that uses outside of that are “wrong”. That’s not how words work. You can call yourself a noble prize winner in this conversation since I know what you mean, but might have a harder time once you try that with someone else who doesn’t know your definition. Your argument isn’t a gotcha just because you think it sounds ridiculous.

    I haven’t said anything about my positions on any topic. I’m not sure how you gathered what I support. I have called out your ridiculous attempt to define pacifism in a way that most self-identitfied pacifists don’t, claim that others are using it wrong, claim that the definition from an authoritative source is wrong because you don’t like it, and now collapsed into “I guess all words are meaningless then”. It’s not my problem that you don’t understand how words work.

    You said you are a communist, you talked about following Lenin, you have been doing everything you can to justify why Ukraine should not fight back against the aggressor in this conflict. I don’t have a reach very far to find your actual opinions on things. If you think I’m wrong, you can correct me. I didn’t assign any label to you or tell you what words you can or cannot use. I extrapolated from what you have given so far, which is a defense of everything Russia has done and a sideways condemnation of everything Ukraine has done. Add a splash of references to Lenin and complaints about America bad, what else do you think someone reading this thread is going to see?

    Are you saying you don’t support Russia? That Ukraine should continue to fight against their invaders? Of course not!

    Just man-up and state your positions with gusto. Why do people in your camp always play the same “I’m just asking questions, I have no opinions” bullshit the right always plays? Just say it. Just say “America bad, Ukraine bad because America supports them, Russia good because America doesn’t like them.”