24yo autistic guy in Rock Hill, SC 🇺🇦🇵🇸
The Wii can only do 480p though
I collect all them. Want to get into Laserdisc as well
Aren’t mechanical pencils incompatible with scantrons?
I love Technology Connections
I heard of some drug dealers not accepting cash where I live
I want to grow my own potatoes, bananas, and coffee once I get my own house in the tropics
Speak any Human language
Switch 2 Launch, even though it will be 3-5 years before I end up getting one at least
I was originally hoping to move out my Mom’s this year, but I have increasing doubts I will be able to do that in the time frame that I want
Meanwhile PoliticalCompassMemes and the 4chan subreddit stays up
Anything by Jelly Roll
In the USA, single payer. But that will never happen under fucking Trump
I drink a lot of soda
I would go back to when I was 15 and prevent myself from leaving public school and relapsing into religion
Phones doing a good chunk of what computers can
Chicago especially
I’d gripe if I ever had to use an iPhone for work
Not that weird compared to the other replies, but on a balcony
Give them something you know that they hate
I love collecting CDs