Lol I kinda liked lockpicking in kcd1. Has it changed?
Lol I kinda liked lockpicking in kcd1. Has it changed?
Were you a big dragon age beforehand? From what I can tell, it seems like old fans actually did like the game but newcomers (who I’m sure were the reason the game morphed so much) had a much colder reception. I loved dao, hated da2, and liked dai but still haven’t taken the plunge on this one.
Any diehard pillars fans who have played it? For the most part it doesn’t seem super well received but I wonder how much of a bump it gets for being in the pillars franchise. I loved the first two and would love to continue my time in eora. Haven’t dived in yet mostly because of the price tag, waiting for it to get to at least $60
Just waiting for gog… Hold the line…
Wow, that’s pretty perfect. Avoid all the launch bugs but still get to play somewhat early on to join in the launch hype. Maybe even a 10% launch discount…?
It’s probably almost been like 20 years from when I last played it, but I don’t think the game was that bad honestly. From what I remember it was more like a who wants to be a millionaire crossover with mario party. Answer who did Cain violently kill in the first pages of the bible and then play like a minigame with go karts or something. But since I had fusion frenzy, believe it or not the bible game did not see much game time in my xbox lol
So like what games do you ban? Just modern shooters? Just for an alternate take, my parents were crazy Christians and would only buy me shit like this game. I’ll tell you what, playing that game did not make me more interested in religion and way more interested in call of duty 4. Not saying that’s what you’re doing, but just that some kind of understanding between you guys is key.
Never played the original since it seemed a little too old, but did play ss2. I thought the remake was really good and a lot of fun. If you enjoyed the sequel or just really any of the games like it, I don’t think there’s anything in there that would turn you off from it, especially if you’re getting it on sale for like $15.
Yeah, kinda makes sense right? I first played FC in like 2015 but when I realized how long the series was I dropped it. Then in covid with all the time in the world it was a great time to pick it back up. Tbh I actually started with cold steel 1 and when SPOILER happened at the end of it, it blew my mind and I knew I had to start from the beginning. Such a good series…
I played the trails first chapter during the first weeks of COVID. And a few months later I had completed the other 8 80+ hour games in their entirety. The plot in each game really is interesting, they revamp the combat enough in each game to keep things interesting, and the reactivity of in game characters is awesome. One reason it took me so long to beat each game is because after almost any plot point in the story happens, every single NPC on the map gets new dialogue reacting to it. Running back and forth talking to everyone gets you more insight to the story and you might pick up some hidden quests too.
These games really are incredible and the fact that they all tie into each other makes everyone feel alive and important to the story. Definitely check them out!
Have a little faith in humanity? If it’s a 19 year old working through college that’s basically their whole 4 year tuition and them some in that area
I think the only handhelds that are more comfortable than the GBA are the ones that are way bigger. If you look at the rg351 lineup or like the retroid 5 mini they’re all basically the same.
I think since everyone was raving over the SP variant the GBA one will do well too
This looks incredible, and I cannot wait to spend money on it and have it be a completely unplayable buggy mess
Do they need to outshine bg3? Releasing a crpg based on their characters and world I’m sure would do well enough with their audience. I’m imagining just pillars of eternity 2 with a critical role skin.
Nintendo has been against them before any real self destruction had started from the community though. In 2013 the melee community raised $95k for breast cancer research, which led to melee being picked up for evo 2013. Nintendo then tried to shut down the live stream of the tournament, and then shutdown the whole melee event for reasons known only to Nintendo.
Is that not a sale? It’ll be even cheaper next Christmas too.
MF’s be loving fusion frenzy
What’d you like about veilguard? Were you a big fan of the series before? I want to buy it but the changes from the first one put a pretty bad taste in my mouth.
Idk, I bought a 4k 240 hz oled monitor for $300 off for black Friday, the lowest price it’s ever been. I think deals are still out there.
Literally me lol. I built a brand new Nvidia machine last year, tried a few distros and just had nonstop issues with games. Which became me googling reddit forums for fix actions and advice, which would just be try a new a distro or run these commands that breaks something else so another thing works. I love foss and what it represents, but I’m not a software guy nor do I have time to waste hours googling why kingdom come is playing at 5 fps on my 4080.