• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Heaven and hell are individual: what the mind creates from the worldview it has built up until death, that one must experience as cells in the brain die and connections sever. One’s final dream, so to speak.

    So if you have built strong convictions of the existence of either, neither, or something else entirely - your brain will default to the imagery that you yourself have constructed up to that point in the brief moment that those connections still exist.

  • If I want to prep for multiple days and eat good after the prep, I’m making freezer friendly burritos.

    Refried beans, rotisserie chicken, diced raw onion, and cheese. Heat up the couple I’m eating then, and throw the rest in freezer bags. Reheats well in the microwave, and I just toss it on some shredded iceberg along with a hefty bit of Cholula on top. Fake chicken and without cheese works good too if you’re vegan.

    The only other thing I do in batches is Chili like so many others suggested. I’d do more if it weren’t for a shared kitchen that’s a staircase away from my fridge.

  • Kid made himself bleed with a bobby pin and during class his girlfriend asked the teacher to talk about something private: while she was out of the room, he yelled, then said I stabbed him with a pencil.

    Later on in the Principal’s office, the teacher came to apologize and showed the bobby pin she confiscated that still had blood on the spot where he removed the rubber tip. She explained that she took it from him before class even started because he wouldn’t stop fidgeting.

    Even with proof that I was innocent, that worthless racist ass piece of shit Principal still gave me OSS. I genuinely still wish her and that piece of shit kid the worst, 20+ years after the fact.

  • This might not be up your alley, but I really like yt-dlp to save content.

    (Windows instructions since I haven’t fully transitioned yet, but if you have, you can figure this out no problem via the yt-dlp github page.) Open cmd to the yt-dlp directory (go to the folder where you see the exe in file explorer and type cmd into the address window so that you don’t have to fuss with cd commands,) type whatever you have the yt-dlp exe renamed to without the extension (I just renamed it to yt since I rarely have a queue, and I’m lazy AF,) and then start pasting links. Add a space between every link obviously - but you can queue up whatever you want to watch the next day and download the queue while you sleep. Place the yt-dlp exe on a usb-c thumb drive and you can transfer the media files to your phone for listening to at work mid-transit if you need to keep your phone in your pocket.

    ezpz, and an example of two videos in queue:

    I may pay for premium, but I still hella support data archival.

  • That’s not even an Oxford comma. An Oxford comma is the addition of a comma before “and” in a list created by commas, and they happen to read a lot better if you’re a sane individual that reads commas as slight pauses in your inner voice. This is a whole other gaffe entirely.