I looked at adding solar to my house 6-7 years ago and it was going to cost $60k. The return on investment would have taken 25-30 years.
What does it cost these day?
I looked at adding solar to my house 6-7 years ago and it was going to cost $60k. The return on investment would have taken 25-30 years.
What does it cost these day?
The tariffs may or may not happen
The 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs already happened in September. Joe Biden announced them in May and they kicked off already. I don’t expect Trump to change anything with that.
Wow took over my life for a while there, and then again with WoTLK. The 2v2 and 3v3 arenas were so much fun. The cool thing was that it wasn’t grindy in the beginning, you could just run quests at your level and level up at a reasonable pace while exploring the game. I had played Everquest before WoW and that game required so much grinding just to get a level, sometimes it would take weeks.
Next dog will probably shoot or electrocute the cops.
You’re making a good case for free speech absolutism.
Ecstasy of Gold is the best Ennio tune. Fight me. When Metallica plays that shit it sounds like God is about to ride out on-stage riding a horse.
This fails to recognize that for a very long time things trended left. I remember talking to someone in the 90s and we went down a list of major issues and the left had essentially won on all of them. Roe vs Wade EPA Gay Marriage Welfare Reform and Child Tax Credits
My hope for the Democratic party is that they go to a single issue for the next National election, and that issue should be Anti-trust/Breaking up monopolies
Would probably be helpful to have a passport to demonstrate citizenship.
You think there’s going to be a Hollywood? Maybe there might be a Tuberwood.
More belt and road usury?
I recently saw a video of AI designing an engine, and then simulating all the toolpaths to be able to export the G code for a CNC machine. I don’t know how much of what I saw is smoke and mirrors, but even if that is a stretch goal it is quite significant.
I broke into a base once. My buddy and I climbed two barbed wire fences to get back onto base after going out drinking. I was unscathed but my buddy tore his shorts up pretty bad. It turned out we were on the golf course. It was 7am in the summer and the sun was coming up and we were getting hot, plus the booze was starting to wear off.
We ended up stealing a golf cart from the corral, driving it to the local base McDonalds and going through the drive thru with it. Once we got our McMuffins we ditched the golf cart in the parking lot and went to go crash in our barracks rooms. Thank god security was busy that morning. I totally would have gotten a DUI for that golf cart.
Anti-perspirant causes breast cancer. You look at data for Japan back in the 90’s-2000s and breast cancer was like 80 times less prevalent in Japan vs the US. Now Japanese are starting to use it more and breast cancer instances are raising to be more on-par with the US. The NIH did a study that was inconclusive so everyone assumes its not true. However, if you read the study you realize exactly how inconclusive it is, and that the answer was truly more along the lines of: “We don’t know”.
So you’ve seen X-rays of both?
Israel might have gotten word that one of the pagers got flagged at an airport X-ray or something. If you wait long enough it will eventually get figured out.
How did the compromised pagers not trigger warnings at airport X-rays? I guess lithium batteries and C4 look similar?
That movies was so good. I was a teenager with testosterone levels pushing towards psychopathy. I thought he was the hero of the story even after it was over. My mom (I guess correctly) thought he was the bad guy.
My cousins and I still quote that movie a lot, though its even less PC now than it was back then. “Now THESE are Vietnam Jungle Boots! They’re great for…” Back in the day we would scream that shit at each other, now I’d cringe so hard I’d probably pull a stomach muscle.
In my experience 12 year olds are pretty impervious to temperature fluctuations. Little bastards dive into freezing water like it’s nothing and run around in the scorching sun, not even noticing that they sweat through all their clothes.
Looked into this a few years ago and you could have said the same then. The problem was the deal with the financing had all these weird caveats when you looked into the details like you didn’t own the panels, and any cost would transfer with the sale of the house, it was like a forever rental with no upgrades ever.
When we get to the point that you can get solar added, and own everything, and can pay for it without financing with a positive ROI in 3 years, that’s the tipping point.