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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Excellent point! I feel like Americans don’t like to understand that practically everyone in the U.S. is working class now. If you cannot quit your job tomorrow and live off of passive, savings, and residuals you are working class. The system is designed to facilitate this, with spartan social safety nets and lack of pensions. It’s shit-tier by developed nation standards.

    What’s that other quote, ~“it only takes 3.5% of the population to generate massive change”? Obviously I am being flippant in this specific instance, but America is a failed democracy and empire in decline.

    There is hope, but it requires taking back the power by direct action.

  • Their Shock Doctrine approach (thank you Naomi Klein) has been incredibly successful. Reading about history in my youth, I now understand why evil prevailed then as it is now. I was looking back at times of immense tyranny and thinking “why didn’t everyone just rise up against them!?” Some are fully onboard, others partially, but many are detached, struggling to survive. The rest of us do what we can, when we can, but disjointed and unorganized.

    It’s a whole lot of “please will somebody DO something!”, but the modern Democrats are not an opposition party, ever. The news media is complicit as well. There are a handful of judges and attorneys who are doing their damndest, but this is no longer a country of laws (for the rich and powerful).

    The country is geographically massive and your average citizen is both poor and uneducated, both politically and otherwise, by Western standards. Now that large swaths of worker’s livelihoods are being devastated they may have more time on their hands.

    I won’t hold my breath for “Occupy Washington”, but when the next movement comes it will be met with intense and violent opposition. Hopefully a silver lining may be a wake up call, far too late.

    I shudder to think of what comes next as it has been festering and fomenting within this country my entire lifetime. The sophisticated propaganda machine and socioeconomic warfare has kept our citizens dumb, divided, and despondent, I pray something beneficial rises from the ashes.

    There is no single answer to your question. My aim was to provide a contemporaneous snapshot of what I am experiencing. As I have been observing our descent into flagrant fascism, and telling anyone who would listen, for the better part of a century. And I hate it with every fiber of my being.

  • People simply can’t/won’t hear it. Society is clinging to any doubt or contrary viewpoint (and oil companies and their paid shills provide plenty) because it is difficult to envision the delicate and finite nature of our situation. Triggered methane releases are currently ratcheting up the warming, you can’t refreeze the permafrost, it rapidly cooks the planet.

    No one wants to believe it, but this is the end unless dramatic changes are made. Having children, at this juncture, with what we know, is profoundly selfish. And folks cannot accept this, let alone, the changes that must be made, systemically, for society to survive.