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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • The Fediverse experience starts with an unanswerable question: what server do you want to be on?

    This is such a cop out and makes no sense. A “server” is basically just a website. The only reason we call them servers/instances is because they are are running the same software in the background and can communicate with each other - that’s it. So we put them all under common flags such as “Mastodon” for those who use the Mastodon “template”, and “Fediverse” for all the “templates” that can communicate with each other.

    This is literally just a problem with marketing and communication, people hear “instances”/“servers” and they shit themselves because they can’t be bothered to do a bit of research. In reality they are just different websites that can communicate with each other. You have the “shakedown.social” website, the “dads.cool” website, the “bookwyrm.social” website, and plenty of others; they are all Twitter clones (Mastodon) and they all allow you to see the content posted on the others.

  • But we did leave

    Who is we?

    From what I can find Twitter has around 500 million users monthly, meanwhile Bluesky has less than 30 million total users… I’ve seen public figures who are outspoken against Trump and Musk, some who even called them Nazis, still using twitter but not Bluesky or Mastodon. And I even see people on Lemmy post screenshots from Twiiter posts.

    So, clearly, the vast majority of people have not left, and those who did are just going for another centralized platform that is likely to suffer from the same problems as Twitter in the future. And all this about a decade too late, as another user said.

  • The British example goes straight against what you are saying, because at the time of both world wars, and especially the first, the British had plenty of war experience. And not just the British, but every empire at the time had plenty of war experience, but the war did not go at all like most were expecting it to. For a modern example of that with the US, just look at the war in Vietnam and in Iraq.

    But more importantly than all of this, you are working under the assumption that the US is being led by extremely qualified people, and that every soldier would fall in line; however not only has the current US government been firing extremely qualified top officials because of “DEI”, but I doubt everyone in the military would happily invade a NATO member - with whom they’ve been allied and trained side by side for years - without even blinking an eye. Military experience does nothing to prevent a civil war, because one thing has nothing to do with the other. The military is made up of people too, who like I said before are a lot more connected with the rest of the world than they used to be.

    Finally, even if it’s true that the US would somehow be immune to a civil war, that would still not mean the majority of countries would not fall into a civil war. To give just one example, Germany has a very big nazi far-right party that has been directly supported by Musk and Vance; if Germany went to war with the US, those people might take up arms against their own country.

  • But many countries have been running simulations for the scenarios since before electricity.

    Right, I was gonna make that point, but it seems you made it for me. Because despite doing that, most wars in recent history, especially the world wars, did not go at all as predicted. Both world wars played out very different from previous wars and from what was to be expected. A standout example is British strategy for both world wars: in the first they made shitty trenches because they didn’t realize they’d be used so much; in the second they made much better and more comfortable trenches because they had learned from the first war, and they turned out to be mostly useless because the trenches used were no longer static.

    Spain even had a civil war as a prelude to the second world war, then during WW2 you even had Vichy France and the French Resistance fighting each other, and recently we had the Syrian civil war. Right now, it seems the USA might be on the brink of civil war as well. Not sure what makes you so sure WW3 wouldn’t devolve into several civil wars when people are so much more connected with people from other countries nowadays.

  • Europe’s, who look down on rampant American capitalism and Trump?

    Unfortunately, there are still plenty of fascist Europeans. Anecdotally, my mom recently told me her friend likes Trump, and that same person votes for our own far-right party whose leader has essentially been trying to emulate Trump.

    One of my biggest fears that I think not enough people have though about, is that - due to how much more connect the world is with the internet - WW3 would devolve into a bunch of civil wars. WW2 was extremely different from WW1 and already had its far share of in fighting in some countries, this time it could be worse and happen in basically every country involved.

  • Those guys are haters.

    Do you not know what tankies are? Do you not know what nazis are? Are they just “haters” to you? I hope you’re a teenager, because no fucking adult should be saying this shit.

    You’re the one calling for hate and insulting me my guy.

    I’m the one calling for hate? Again, I’m assuming you don’t know what nazis and tankies are; and as for insulting you, you literally just told me I’m “no better than” nazis and tankies after I made a pretty civil reply to you - not to mention well before I showed up to this post you were the one telling a tankie “Wtf are you saying, bot?”

    Did you forget that? Are you perhaps a bot?

    Once again, go fuck yourself. I’m not gonna waste more time with you.

  • What do you mean by two comments deep? That was my first reply to you, if that’s what you mean. And I wasn’t telling you to hate anyone, I was adding some perspective to a conversation; my comment literally starts with “fair enough”, meaning “I’m fine with your stance”.

    How are you better? Lmao

    Than tankies and nazis? The people I’m calling out? Tankies and nazis? You’re asking how am I better than them for calling them out and saying “if you use their platforms you are being complicit”? I’m not better than those guys? Yeah, ok champ, go fuck yourself.

  • we’re pinched for energy and dependent on the US for it unless we diversify our imports (russia) or produce our own (nuclear)

    From what I heard, the EU is replacing Russian energy dependency with imports from the US and Norway, and I’m sure there would be other options if we cut off the US as well. Also, plenty of European countries have nuclear plants, and some are building more (UK, for one at least) as well as increasing renewable production.

    Whats even harder to fix is the brain-drain with most academics leaving for US

    From what I’ve been hearing, academia in the US is kinda fucked - probably even more now with Republicans Nazis in charge - so I’d need a source for that. In fact, starting a few months to a year ago, YouTube keeps recommending me videos of (American) people talking about why they left academia.

  • my taxes pay for your kids’ school

    The kid who one day might be your doctor, or care taker at an elder people’s home, or responsible for a lot of civil infrastructure; are you that certain their education doesn’t benefit you? Not you mention, you yourself had your education paid by other people’s taxes, if you were ever in the public school system, so consider this your way to pay back for that.

    1. This is literally the government restricting his free speech.

    1. Why do people always defend censorship as long as it is done by corporations owned by billionaires? We’re not talking about someone’s home, or even some small family owned corner shop. It’s the fucking NFL, and they are in a stadium with thousands of sports fans all screaming and chanting. And knowing sports fans, some of them probably saying vile shit as well towards the other team and their fans, which we’re fine with, but when they censor someone’s political opinion: “don’t you know it’s private property?”

  • I think the point is not “this is all TikTok’s fault”, the point is things like TikTok makes it a lot easier to spread misinformation. People have shorter attention spans nowadays, and they prefer to spend their time consuming short form content such as the kind found on TikTok. The problem with this is that it takes a lot more effort to correct wrong information and educate people than it takes to spread misinformation. For example, it’s much easier to clip something a politician says out of context and to make a 5 or 10 second clip for people to watch, than to convince people to watch a 5 minute interview or read an article for context.

    And even though I don’t use TikTok, I still kind of insert my self in here; I don’t have the mental fortitude or patience to read every single article I come across, so I often read diagonally, check the summary, or (more rarely) just stick with the title.

  • The world loves those enforcing rules, because they have to be strong for that, and the world loves those breaking rules, because if today they are making a challenge, tomorrow they might become even stronger. Humans follow strength. So a new challenger of existing order is loved, a yesterday’s challenger who is still not a triumphant is hated.

    In my experience, a good microcosm example of that is sports; specifically MMA. Just have to pay attention to how quickly the narrative and majority opinion changes based on who has most recently won their fights. You also often see subconscious racism (or at least I like to think it’s subconscious) affect people’s opinions of fighters.

  • I was thinking about this the other day, and came to some conclusions. This is a copy-paste of a comment I made in another thread:

    I don’t know much about the history of anti-Semitism in Europe (so anyone feel free to correct me or add more info), but what I’ve been thinking is that the cause/origin of anti-Semitism is no different from the anti-immigrant panic from today. They both come down to people from a “foreign” or at least different culture coming into a society and getting jobs or opening business. It just so happens that now those foreign people are more diverse, whereas before (centuries ago in Europe) they were mostly Jewish.

    This tells me we have learned nothing from our past except for the most surface level details. We learned that anti-Semitism is bad and beat people over the head with it, but we never properly addressed the roots of it, and so now the same thing is repeating but for different groups of people. It’s the same sort of thing as when it is said that “people nowadays are more open minded”, when the reality is simply that they were taught to be okay (or not) with certain things; but the bigoted though process has not really gone away.