Probably some overlap but I have to assume people who have donated to his election coffers are also promoted to the top of his pick lists
Probably some overlap but I have to assume people who have donated to his election coffers are also promoted to the top of his pick lists
The Atari 800 I had around 1985 or so, I was like 4 at the time, playing donkey Kong and an amber screen
Atari 800 so 6502 1.8 mhz 8k ram cartridge and 5 1/4 floppy. That was my first family computer, the first computer I bought with my own money was a dell T450 Pentium 3 450mhz and an ATI dedicated 3d accelerator card and a 19" Trinitron monitor that I loved to degauss for that satisfying bong noise
According to my high schooler this would be inaccurate, as in his school people would be on their phones, creating tiktoks, screaming across the room at each other and barely getting anything done. This does resemble my high school experience like 20 years ago lol
Similar happened to me as well, got sucker punched by my bully at the lockers in jr high, they tried to give me out of school suspension, which lasted for a day, my mom got me back in chewing out the principal
This news has me worried that Gaza will be the new camp for “undesirables” that we’re struggling to deport. I sure hope I am wrong.
Actually it does, if one is objectively worse, then the other has to be at least the smallest percent better, that’s just simple word comprehension.
Oh definitely, really the UPS on my server only gives the server enough time to shut down services gracefully, and notify other systems when the battery of the UPS is almost dead, and then it shuts the other PC and itself off before battery hits critical. All told that’s like 30 minutes at most
Thanks looks like I’d probably get about 100 minutes at 80 watts of draw. Better than nothing but only a drop in the bucket during storm season around me unfortunately, if storms continue to grow in intensity I can expect at least 1-2 complete overnight outages a year
I have one of those for my home server, how long can a CPAP run off one of those?
Definitely how I feel when the power goes out and I can’t use my CPAP, get absolutely shit or zero sleep, I need to get a generator at some point
It is always nice when a game can turn itself around
I have an _installed, a backlog in general, genre based dynamic categories, and a few special categories such as “bad games that should feel bad”, “broke shit check for patch later” “GFWL Broken” and “games of lost interest”
You would be forwarding ingress traffic(traffic not originating from your internal network) to 443/80, this doesn’t affect egress requests(requests from users inside your network requesting external sites) so it wouldn’t break your internal DNS resolution of sites. All traffic heading to your router from outside origins would be pushed to your reverse proxy where you can then route however you please to whatever machine/port your apps live on.
Even the ones you haven’t listened to since the late 1900’s? I mean the ones you think rock are probably ones that you continue to listen to well past high school
Really shows me how traumatized I am by United Health Care when I see UHC and it immediately brings them to mind and not Universal. I had to put in some work to understand that Acronym
Yeah we need to deflate the disproportionately high pricing of the health care caused by insurance as well, if we could get it at the national level we could eliminate a lot of the back office overhead, and then maybe negotiate a revisit of the master charge list so that Tylenol in hospital isn’t something crazy like $250 dollars a dose. State by state this would probably be much more difficult.
Yep, they talked about it a bit during my hiring what I wanted my title to be since they are paid the same and do the same tasks(in addition to some coding expectations). I’m glad I chose architect, but ultimately they squeezed me out of that with RTO mandates for architects and above.
Seems to be a trend, my boss was telling me that the VP’s in our org think we need more lead devs and less solutions architects, though they would functionally be doing largely the same role, meetings, planning, design, interfacing with teams they are dependent on, annual technology reviews etc. I think it’s going to bite them in the end
I am thanks to a combination of my learning how credit should actually be used and careful budgeting as well as an excellent choice to get into information technology. I can actually support my adult son as well as take care of his brother and my disabled wife and living what would’ve largely been considered middle class by their standard. At this point they were getting mortgage calls for juggling payments and spending wrecklessly while living in a double wide mobile home in the rural appalachias.