Well, I didn’t expect us to have an existential crisis today, but here we are.
Well, I didn’t expect us to have an existential crisis today, but here we are.
This is literally the Khol’s business model
Intelligang represent!
Intellevision may not have the best controller design out there, but the versatility with the different card inserts made playing games easier when I was a kid. Basically a guide in the palm of your hands for each game you owned. Losing them did blow however.
I like your positive outlook on life. It is a solid silver lining that fewer people will die needlessly, specifically BECAUSE Elon is one of the worst people alive AND a moron causing less people to own one.
It also has terrible build quality, is almost double the price they said it would be, & does zero things better than any of its competitors. Crazy to think that anyone would prefer to purchase something (or you know, literally anything) other than a cybertruck
I hate these filthy Neutrals Kiff. With enemies you know where they stand, but with Neutrals, who knows. It sickens me.
My gut tells me “maybe”
Believe it or not, a chaotic neutral or lawful good girl with a flame throwing robot dog. There are some nuances if you’re using Pathfinder.
Not OP, but the Lodge seasoning guide is a pretty good starting point. Cast iron being used forever is proof of how resilient it can be, there’s not too many things you can do that are irreparable.
Also, you don’t really need to baby it as much as most people say. Just keep using it and it’ll keep getting better.
I mean, this plan is the best plan. Ubisoft games go on sale almost instantly and the ultimate editions are sub $50 within 3-6 months. I’ll just go back to my Balatro trance and check this out in 2025.
banging parties
Good lord these things were an 11/10. The peanut butter was god-like.
I know there’s maybe a 5% chance of it happening soon, but I’d kill for this to hit before I go on vacation in July. Balatro would be outstanding to play on my iPad during a long flight.
I feel like shrimpookies need lots of explaining.
The same idiots that tried to tell us that NFTs were “totally going to change the world bro, trust me”
I had a boss back in the day that I had a really good rapport with, and he would jokingly call me Shrek because I was almost a foot taller than he was. I also worked in a lot of restaurants in my late teens to early twenties and found a love for cooking that has never really gone away.
Ballroom Blitz by Sweet
Look at Mr. “Can Afford an Old Jacket” over here.
Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I’ll be back.
Vigo the Carpathian knew how to spit some bars.