That’s why they no longer care about maintaining the economy. It’s about controlling resources now.
That’s why they no longer care about maintaining the economy. It’s about controlling resources now.
In what way is he your boyfriend? He doesn’t sound like he is. Poly is really hard, and it’s full of shitty people who use it as a justification for being shitty. Sounds like you need to do a whole bunch of work on yourself right now, and it doesn’t really sound like either of your “partners” are good for you.
Couple of reasons in my experience. Cigarettes have a generous butt, and are pretty structurally sound, which makes them pretty easy to handle that way, and you can ash with a simple flick of your thumb. Joints often have no butt, or just some folded up but of paper or some other dodgy bullshit, so there’s far less to grab onto. They’re also often pretty flimsy, and fall apart easily. So holding them that way gives you better control and is more gentle on the joint.
Yeah, I suggest you take another look at Pete. I think he has a lot of potential.
At least they didn’t just leave it in the closest empty parking space, like literally everyone around here does. 😡
I found it really easy to quit Reddit. The trick is to engage in conversation with a maga, say exactly what you think, and let the permaban system do the rest! 😉
How does it feel, Americans? Not only have you finally lost the cold war, but now you’re an extension of Russia’s invasion efforts.
Because in capitalist America, you only get financial help if you don’t need it.
I made a gmail account back when you needed an invite and got my real name and have spent the last 20 years being very selective about where I type it, unsubscribing from crap I don’t want, and reporting spam, and it’s still pretty clean. I get maybe 10-15 emails a day, and mostly ones I’m at least occasionally interested in!
Sounds like a 13 year old edge lord with a lot to learn about the world. Pretty normal and hopefully he will grow out of it in the next 5 years or so.
Don’t mean to sound insulting, but sounds like you have a lot to learn too if you’re hung up on someone like this.
We all think stupid things at that age. Getting out into the real world cures a lot of people. Some are sufficiently privileged that they never get out into the real world - those ones become CEOs and senators, some are incurable - they become some version of maga.
Just try to remember that everyone has their own history, hangups, and demons. We’ve all got our own battles to fight, and most people just want to live their lives and be left alone.
I hope every American feels the humiliation of having these bumbling alpha wannabes representing their country.
It does feel like the oligarchs are making their endgame moves. They don’t care about functioning economies anymore, they just want control of whatever is left. If nobody stops them in the US, they’re coming for all of us.
That’s a good point and thanks for the perspective. Of course I don’t know what it’s like for anyone in Ukraine at the moment, and I can understand the desperation. But trump is a thug, and a wannabe gangster. He will burn all of Ukraine if he thinks it will benefit him. His word is worthless, and so is any deal with the US. Every world leader knows that, it’s just so frustrating that none will stand up and say it, they just keep treating him like a legitimate president when he’s so clearly not.
Zelenskyy would probably get more support from his people if he told trump to get fucked than by being his dancing monkey. I know he’s desperately trying to do what’s best for Ukraine, but sucking up to that piece of shit isn’t it.
I never understood it, and I grew up on 80s action movies. Love Arnie, Bruce, Sylvester (before maga), even Chuck. But never got into James Bond at all.
FFS. So the US successfully extorted Ukraine. World leaders need to stop fucking doing business with trump. Shit like this just makes him worse.
And the idea that this will keep the US in their corner is beyond stupid. He’ll be demanding more within a month. Fuck trump and fuck America.
Oh boy, go to the states and hurt yourself and go into a hospital. Or try being unemployed for 6 months. Or go to uni without millionaire parents. What we get for our taxes has gotten significantly worse in my lifetime, and the LNP are working on bringing us into line with the states, but trust me, we get a shitload more for our tax money than they do.
Yeah, but Americans get pretty much nothing for their tax money compared to us, and republicans have been trying to bring it down to literally nothing for decades.
There have always been Nazis in America, even during WW2. Listen to Rachel Maddow’s podcast “ultra” to hear about how close they came to a takeover of the US way back then. They never went away, they just went low profile for a while.
They won’t even need to do that now that they’ve got drones and robot dogs with machine guns on their backs. A war between robots and people wouldn’t be like it is in the movies, the robots won’t miss.