Wie oft muss eigentlich noch festgestellt werden, dass deren Produkte Mist sind?
Wie oft muss eigentlich noch festgestellt werden, dass deren Produkte Mist sind?
Echt traurig wie das mal wieder läuft…
Quite clearly NO It is a central office that now answers a large part of the DNS questions; apart from the fact that they so often have failures.
you only have to start a second docker cluster with a different public port
that’s an exaggeration, i haven’t had a moderation case like that on lemmy yet.
From the moment I read Cloudflare, I was out.
thanks for the help, that put me on the right track, apparently an old image was used.
I always thought that a docker-compose up -d
also builds a new image. But apparently I have to run docker-compose up --build -d
thanks for the help
Have a look at https://dnsforge.de
I’ve been using nextcloud for years without any problems
oh I must have overlooked that
yes the alphabet is a bit unattractive, it would be nice if it would only appear when you touch it or something.
I’m currently using the Niagara Launcher, it’s easy to use and very pleasant to work with.
Sure, I even installed my own FreshRSS instance for it. I am currently monitoring 45 feeds.
Don’t overthink it, just post the link and if people don’t want to click it they won’t
I think that’s the easiest way.
I would clearly prefer Proxmox, which gives you the greatest possible freedom in terms of what else you want to do. Then a VM or LXC for each service.
One for each service I offer.
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