Beep beep! Damn things are using ACME LiDAR!
Beep beep! Damn things are using ACME LiDAR!
He may not be joking. My family and people I interact with don’t think vaccinations cause autism. I’m happy to have never experienced or known of anyone getting measles, polio or other ailments most everyone my age have been protected from thanks to vaccines.
Sadly some here believe the lies spread by those who for some bizarre reason are against vaccines. There’s a measles outbreak right now in Texas and New Mexico that’s affecting around 99 people so far. Last year across the US there were 285 cases. Before the fairly recent anti-vaccination crowd formed measles were officially eradicated in 2000.
Now our country’s health leader, RFK (aka worm brain), is one of the assholes against vaccinations. Sad time for sure but we’re not all like this.
It doesn’t sound right but it is. I think in ‘94 I was using Juno for email and internet. Shortly after that it was time to actually use one of the many AOL trial discs for service instead of a mini frisbee/ninja star.
Modem sounds, chat rooms, you’ve got mail. What a time to live!
Good! Keep the truth alive Ukraine!
deleted by creator
No! It can’t be!
What is it?
It can’t be!
What did you do Ray?
Oh no!
It’s the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
Hard to argue against a nice quality build.
Hoping they will someday.
I like to sync photos taken with my other cameras to my phone. I can’t stand how they’re mixed into the main photo library timeline with iPhone photos now.
Since it’s not possible to keep them separate anymore I’ve started to airdrop folders into the Files app.
That did it. Thank you!
This is great!
From the creator they say using the share button saves a link to your creation. I don’t see a share button anywhere. I tried my browser’s share button but that only copies the main web page and not what I’ve made. Can someone help?
My content blocker was hiding the share button in the top right of the screen. Oops! :)
With no belt that plumber’s wrench has to go somewhere.
Unless something has changed that company is no longer on the slavery free list due to them having Callebaut making their chocolate.
Guittard is my favorite for snacking and using in baking.
Different backgrounds will draw different conclusions. Being in the medical field and not ham radio (had to look up what you’ve mentioned) it would never have occurred to me.
I didn’t mean to offend. Nazi ideology can be like a virus and so is what I stated in my comment. A poorly made joke I guess.
Sounds like a virus. Herpes SimpleX? Have fun with that.
This is like when Dr Evil asks for $1 million dollars after being unfrozen. These courts need to get with the times.
Too much optimism and hype may lead to the premature use of technologies that are not ready for prime time.
— Daron Acemoglu, MIT
I wasn’t aware of the jar monopoly situation. Maybe my old Balls will become collectible someday.
You get a gold star today. ⭐️
While I think the legality for such a device is a gray area one strong enough to damage or stop a car could kill or injure anyone around with a cardiac device or other electronic medical equipment.