I recently saw a documentary that talked about conditions at EA even back in the 90’s turns out I never cared for an EA game ever. I cared about the studios making them despite the fact that EA made ridiculously stupid choices.
I recently saw a documentary that talked about conditions at EA even back in the 90’s turns out I never cared for an EA game ever. I cared about the studios making them despite the fact that EA made ridiculously stupid choices.
The executive tends to lean right in any given country. If anything they are motivated to oblige and let that fuckwit in. On red carpet no less.
That’s unfortunate then. But it was worth a shot anyways. If nothing else you learned a bit about UNIX/ Linux should you ever find yourself in a situation where that may be of use again.
Unix and Linux are terms that can and have been used a bit interchangeably in the past already. It’s possible that their UNIX category is just named like that from way back in the day. If internet speed and data limits are not a concern it may be worth a shot to try if the UNIX version works on your system. Simply because Linux is UNIX based but not officially certified as UNIX.
I dunno… This might be a good read though:
Yet here I am, enjoying a game for hour 1000 and more exactly because it didn’t choose to change up how it works for the 35689 th time in what feels like two days. I don’t have all day every day anymore to dedicate to games and that’s okay what isn’t okay is that these guys expect me to be willing to learn what is effectively a completely different game constantly. I don’t want to re learn that thing every time I play, I want to enjoy it.
Maybe I am the problem, maybe not. All I know is that I can’t be bothered to only put time into one game and one game only when there are more things in life I want to do.
But do they understand the gravity of that discovery?
From a technical standpoint it doesn’t matter which way something gets polarised. Trouble is that some manufacturers do it one way and others the other way. Which means that it’s not standardized. Having it be mandatory to do it one way and one way only for a given product would solve that issue because then it would be correct every time. Barring the one or other Monday where someone for some reason messes it up before noticing.
It would certainly raise an eyebrow.
For more reasons than just the obvious ones.
No I don’t want to go into the details of those hypotheticals, thank you.
I mean… Just look at the news. We don’t have to imagine it because that is what is going on.
There were some rather in detail answers already to which I could add. But instead I am going with a more simple answer that is hopefully also good.
Basically, bad actors want to stay undetected if possible. Like staying in dark places with dark clothing and not making noise. trying to get your own subdomain is more like wearing a high Vis jacket, having Christmas lights on you and broadcasting your presence with a loudspeaker with something like “catch me if you can!” on repeat.
Or even simpler: getting detected is bad for bad actors, doing that is one great way to get detected, they know that so they don’t do that.
Or metaphorically: a drop of water in the ocean won’t get noticed, rain in the desert will.
At the end of the day it’s not about what you can do but if you should do that.
The crazy part isn’t that people want to be able to disable that. The crazy part is that they want to pay to disable them…
No you guys, that should just be an option, no questions asked. Included in the options menu for… Well, whatever the asking price of the base game is. Also known as included in the base game.
I distinctly remember buying both unreal and unreal tournament from GoG on sale when it was still listed there. So yeah, people did buy those.
Right. AI music? Hopefully not, it is likely going to lead to generic slop that may infringe on other artists copyright. AI Podcasts? OH GOD NO! factual news isn’t working with AI and you guys think that opinions with AI is a good idea? Are you crazy?
Now music recommendations? That might just work given that algorithms are already doing a decent job at presenting new ( to the particular user, not by actual age) music that the user may enjoy. The question really is if that is actually better than what we already have. And there is only one way to find out, which is by testing it and then being honest about it.
Arguably. The worst part about that is that you don’t get to know how that story ends…
Dark Souls.
You need to play NG+ and a fair bit of NG++ to be able to get everything on one character.
The hottest year on record… So far.
Probably 5 minutes or so. 10 if I include the time spent driving there. Usually it’s quiet enough that it’s not waiting in line but rather waiting to have everything sorted out.
Obviously… Ubisoft
Obvious answer: problem solving games like infinifactory, Shenzhen I/O, Opus Magnum or spacechem. I mean, it’s literally problem solving. That’s real useful everywhere you encounter problems that need solving which is conveniently everywhere.