- pay online fee: $2.50
- Paper bill/pay by check fee: $5.00.
I made the numbers up as I don’t recall them offhand but my energy company effectively has this policy now. :/
I made the numbers up as I don’t recall them offhand but my energy company effectively has this policy now. :/
Don’t want to assume where you live, I found several available as a poster/print by searching “Milky Way Galaxy Map Poster”
(“google it” is often a scornful response, please know that is not my intention here.)
(Sincere) are you implying that these pictures are the elite/upper class and the counter narrative is more the norm of the time?
Edit: nvm, other comments in the feed seem to add further context.
But that first purge feels so healthy though!
Not challenging just clarifying; Is your speculation extending to suggest that the larger demographic of porn consumers online are adolescents? Or more that the “step-*” joining the family set a longer term influence? (Or something else entirely…?)
I appreciate your work. (sincerely)
I have an extension on this, in that a triple tap on the switch by the doors, will also lock the doors after 60 seconds.
I have a MikroTik Router providing DHCP to the various networks on my homelan. Each device seems to get a regular host name collision, and so the router appends a number to the end of the existing host name. My computer is currently called “Machine-8272537”. I tried fixing it a few times, setting different timeout/lease time parameters and disabling “privacy protection” on the devices, but nothing fixes it. Been like this 3 years now. I just kinda ignore it.
I use Blocky. I switched from PiHole because I didn’t have need for all the features (DHCP, Dashboard) and honestly it was a slow day and I had nothing better to do.
A couple of years back they removed a lot of unverified content that spanned a bunch of undesirable categories.
The official statement from PH:
Also worth a read: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/mar/15/pornhub-netflix-documentary
They did, and I quote:
As to comments/criticisms on the tone/style, Yeah, corporate videos are corporate videos!” the company then said, adding a shrug emoji.
A few years ago, I spent New Year’s Eve flying solo. Passed the time with a mix of baking, movies, cooking dinner, a long walk, doodling, and a bunch of Sudoku games. The night was dry, so I stepped out close to midnight, had a sip of whisky under city lights to see the New Year in. Then I popped an edible and fucked off to bed with a Netflix Lullaby. Best of luck too you!
Googling everything gets boring though. I learned something today from your question :)
From the health.com link that references this article includes edibles as a risk vector.
Previous studies have suggested that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the molecule responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis, acts on receptors that are found in the central nervous system and in the heart and blood vessels. This interaction between THC and blood vessels may provide a pathway for cannabis to promote inflammation and the buildup of plaque, ultimately leading to CAD. The same effects would not necessarily be expected with the use of cannabidiol (CBD), another active ingredient in cannabis and hemp that is commonly extracted for products that do not contain THC.
So you are indeed correct. To a point. The ICU observation doesn’t minimize the risks of cannabis but provides a perspective on the prevalence of the issue, and the tone in your responses is likely behind the downvotes you are lamenting.
Regardless, thank you for sharing the links, they were helpful.
I hope you don’t mind my asking; what’s the nature of the peer pressure to participate you’re facing?
I got mine (Milwaukee brand) from the big orange box store which also happens to be available on Amazon.com for $25.
Not necessarily the direction you had in mind - for whatever it may be worth; I’m studying to become a HVAC technician.
I’m nearly 30 years into my tech career. After 3 months of the rigmarole of trying to get a new role post layoff, I’ve decided to throw in the hat. Love tech and comp sci, cannot face another asinine call about “non-regrettable attrition”, “more with less”, “right way to do scrum” — nor solve a pangram, design a parking garage or other leet code challenges just to get 2 hours into a 9 hour interview cycle. I’m so dammed tired. And apparently needed a little rant. Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide to do next!
Thanks for replying, that all sounds pretty cool!
What do you typically make, out of interest?
After considering this question carefully, I expect the answer is: the square root of fuck all.